
Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

author:The story of the wise man sesame sauce
Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Confession under pressure of "Singer 2024": Na Ying's collapse resonates on the verge of collapse

In the latest issue of "Cute Detective 2024", Na Ying expressed to Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng the heavy pressure she was under under the live broadcast system of "Singer 2024", and was even close to collapse.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Her candor sparked resonance and support from the audience. As a senior singer, Na Ying's appearance this time not only shows her dedication and seriousness to the music career, but also reflects the psychological pressure caused by the live broadcast form to the participating singers. This situation has sparked public concern and discussion about the TV program format and the mental health of artists. Her candid sharing reveals the true state of public figures under professional pressure, highlighting the positive effects of peer support on an individual's mental health.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Her experience may prompt more people to understand and care about the challenges of artists in a high-pressure environment. In anticipation of the whole network, the first round of the unveiling competition of "Singer 2024" will be broadcast live on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV at 8 o'clock tonight. In the face of the menacing unveiling singers, how will the starting singers defend their seats? In the second live competition, the seven starting singers are ready to go all out. Na Ying chose "Break Free" with a retro style

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Rainie Yang returned confidently with "A Song Not for Anyone".

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The Second-Hand Roses chose the classic "Ode to My Sister-in-law"

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Wang Sulong chose the more unpopular "Flesh and Blood"

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Hailai Amu chose "Isn't It"

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

And Faouzia, the international singer who amazed the audience last week, will once again show off her gorgeous transposition

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Chanté Moore则用《Superwoman》展示女性力量

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Tonight is the first unveiling challenge of "Singer 2024", and the two groups of unveiling singers have achieved the goal of singing on stage through "audience reservation", and the successful ones will replace the starting singers at the bottom of the current ranking. The unveiling singers are menacing, and the program team chose the Hanggai Band to sing "Reincarnation".

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Huang Xuan, as a challenger, sang "Alone on Building C".

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Chung Chuxi: The Cannes Film Festival wears her own makeup to show the power of women's self-confidence

Under the sparkle of the Cannes Film Festival, many stars compete with glamorous makeup and exquisite costumes. However, Zhong Chuxi's news is eye-catching, she actually made up her own makeup! This not only shows her unique understanding of beauty, but also proves the power of women's autonomy and self-confidence.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

As a star on the screen, Zhong Chuxi appeared with her own makeup, setting an example for women who pursue free expression. She tells us that beauty does not need to be defined by others, and that confident women are the most beautiful. This attitude reflects the increasingly strong trend of "self-reliance" in the entertainment industry, encouraging more dreamers to pursue unique personalities. This move also reflects the spirit of the times, in a fast-paced, high-pressure society, "being yourself" has become a rare quality.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Zhong Chuxi chose to do it herself, showing her trust in her self-worth and ability, and this self-confidence and independent spirit are worth learning from women in every era. Although some may be surprised, Chung's courage to show her true self has earned her the respect and love of the public.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

She showed her most beautiful self on the red carpet in Cannes, and this sunny, positive, independent and confident image will bring more positive energy stories to the entertainment industry. It is expected that Zhong Chuxi will continue to appear in the public eye with this image, provide all women with more courage and self-confidence, and open a beautiful new chapter in her acting career.

The incident of a police car stopping a private car at high speed in Hubei has attracted attention

Recently, netizens posted a video showing a police car stopping a private car on the highway, which attracted widespread attention. Some netizens in the video questioned whether the behavior of the police car was a road rage retaliatory law enforcement. In this regard, the Public Security Bureau of Songzi City, Hubei Province urgently issued a circular, stating that the police involved have been suspended and are under investigation.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

According to the Road Traffic Safety Law, police cars have the right of way when performing emergency tasks, and other vehicles and pedestrians should give way.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

If the private car fails to yield but the police car does not honk, responsibility shall be determined again in conjunction with other evidence. In addition, the two police officers shown in the video are not traffic police, and their law enforcement behavior is irregular and dangerous. Police violations may be subject to warnings, dismissal, demotion, dismissal, etc.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

According to the law, illegal acts of obstructing the passage of police vehicles and other vehicles are punishable, and in serious cases, they can face detention and fines. Traffic safety is of paramount importance to every citizen, and it is hoped that more attention and vigilance will be aroused through this incident.

The online shopping return was infringed, and the court ordered the merchant to pay 2,500 yuan

Ms. Shi is a short video anchor engaged in the nail industry. She was not satisfied after buying nail polish glue on a platform, but she applied for a return but was "hanged" by the merchant.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

As a result, the merchant posted comments containing derogatory words and phrases on the Internet and published Ms. Shi's personal mobile phone number, causing Ms. Shi to be harassed. Affected by this, Ms. Shi was dismissed and the live broadcast was suspended. She took the merchant to court, demanding a cessation of the abuse, a public apology, and compensation for financial damages.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

After the trial, the court found that the merchant had leaked personal information, and ordered the merchant to delete the comments, publicly apologize, and compensate 2,500 yuan.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The judge reminded citizens to protect personal information, safeguard their rights and interests, respond calmly to similar situations, and resolve disputes through legal channels.

White-collar transformation into online car-hailing drivers: the problem of declining income has not been abandoned

As office white-collar workers who have temporarily lost their jobs look for their next satisfying job, jobs such as ride-hailing drivers and food delivery workers have become transitional options.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

According to Zhaopin's data, 51.9% of the surveyed professionals said they would like to choose a blue-collar job. Some drivers choose to make a living as ride-hailing drivers because they don't find a satisfying job immediately due to job changes. Although ride-hailing brings higher incomes, they do not use it as a long-term job option, and for many unemployed white-collar workers, ride-hailing drivers are just a helpless move.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Respondents said ride-hailing drivers are facing a difficult situation as order prices fall and income pressures increase. While some drivers consider changing careers, most choose to stick with it. Some platforms have introduced insurance policies to incentivize drivers, but the market is highly competitive, and ride-hailing drivers are challenged by declining incomes.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Enterprises and regulatory authorities are also actively promoting the protection of employees in new industries.

Intime Department Store cooperates with AutoNavi to create a barrier-free shopping mall

In order to enable disabled friends and elderly people with limited mobility to visit the mall smoothly, Alibaba's AutoNavi wheelchair navigation project and Intime Department Store launched the construction of a "barrier-free mall" on May 16. The aim is to integrate the barrier-free facilities and services of 60 Intime Department stores across the country to AutoNavi Map, so that users can easily access the barrier-free information of the malls.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

As one of the first stores to be connected, Intime Department Store Hangzhou West Lake Store has marked the location information of barrier-free entrances and exits, toilets, parking spaces and other locations in the mall on the AutoNavi map for users to query. This move was made possible by Yintai Charity volunteers, including dozens of volunteers from the "Thai Love" Happiness Group, who cooperated with AutoNavi's wheelchair navigation project team to promote product upgrades. May 16 is the 13th "Global Accessibility Awareness Day", and to this end, Intime Department Store Xihu Store also held a barrier-free experience activity called "Shared Wheelchairs, Love in Zhejiang" to provide shared electric wheelchair services.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

You can borrow a wheelchair without charge by scanning the code through Alipay, which is also the first shopping mall in the country to provide free shared electric wheelchair services. Sun Ye, general manager of INtime Department Store Westlake, said that they hope to make more people aware of and pay attention to accessibility issues through these initiatives.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Zhang Junjun, product manager of AutoNavi wheelchair navigation, also said that in the future, they will strive to cover more travel destinations, so that users with disabilities can also enjoy a better life. Previously, AutoNavi Map launched the "wheelchair navigation" function in November 2022, becoming the first product in China to fully cover barrier-free navigation.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

As of May 8, 2024, the feature has provided users with more than 65 million barrier-free route plans, and more than 1.65 million times during the May Day holiday alone.

A woman was sexually harassed on the streets of Jinjiang City, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and the police quickly dealt with it

On May 16, on the streets of Jinjiang City, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, a woman with disabled hands was sexually harassed by a man during an outdoor live broadcast, causing outrage among netizens. The police reported that Xiao, a 45-year-old man, slapped the buttocks of a 24-year-old woman, Chen, and Xiong, a 45-year-old man, stopped it in time and placed Xiao under administrative detention.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

This kind of indecent behavior is despicable, and netizens have expressed their support for the harassed woman and hope that the perpetrator will be severely punished. The incident highlighted the stigmatization and bullying of people with disabilities, while also tarnishing the image of the city.

Big event happens! At 16:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The society calls for strengthening legal punishment and moral condemnation of sexual harassment, and creating a safe and just social environment.