
Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

author:The story of the wise man sesame sauce
Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Guangqi Honda has voluntarily left 1,700 people, and the decline in sales has made it challenging for Japanese automakers in China

Guangqi Honda began soliciting voluntary resignations in May this year, and about 1,700 workers have agreed to leave their jobs, accounting for 14% of its total production workforce. The company officially said that this move is not a layoff, but a voluntary resignation recruitment implemented in order to cooperate with the commissioning and medium and long-term development needs of new energy plants during the year, considering the optimal production capacity and personnel efficiency, and will give economic compensation.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Previously, in the fourth quarter of 2023, Guangqi Honda laid off its first workforce, laying off about 900 contract workers, accounting for 7% of the total number of employees. According to industry analysts, the layoffs are due to a decline in sales, with the latest data showing that Honda's sales in China fell by 22.2% year-on-year and are expected to decrease by 13% for the full year.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

At the same time, the three major Japanese automakers are all facing downward pressure in the Chinese market, such as Toyota's sales decreased by 26.5% year-on-year, and Nissan's sales decreased by 10.4% year-on-year.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Due to weak sales, Mitsubishi Motors has decided to withdraw from the Chinese market. Japanese automakers' market share in China continued to decline, falling from 23.1% in 2020 to 12.2% in the first four months of 2024, while the share of local Chinese brands increased from 38.4% to 60.7%.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

In response to market changes, Japanese automakers will accelerate their electrification transformation, and Honda has launched a new electric vehicle brand "Ye" for the Chinese market, planning to launch three new vehicles, and will launch electric vehicles in 2025 with Huawei displays.

The woman walked the dog and frightened the driver, causing a grade 10 disability, and the dog owner compensated 190,000 yuan

The Shanghai Putuo Court recently ruled on a case involving a woman walking her dog and the dog frightened the driver, resulting in the latter's 10th degree disability, and the dog owner must pay more than 190,000 yuan in compensation.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

According to reports, at the time of the incident, Ms. Gao was wearing a leash for her dog, but the dog stepped into the road before the owner, which frightened Ms. Shen who passed by, causing Ms. Shen to fall and be injured.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The court found that Ms. Gao was liable and awarded compensation totaling more than 190,000 yuan for medical expenses and nursing expenses. The judge pointed out that this case shows that "non-contact injury" of pets can also constitute infringement, and the owner needs to bear the corresponding liability.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

"Contactless injury" is a situation in which a pet does not have direct contact with another person during the activity, but behaves in a way that startles, panics, or injures others. For example, a dog suddenly rushes out and scares passers-by and causes it to fall and injure itself, or a cat suddenly appears on the road and causes the driver to get into a traffic accident due to fright, these are all "non-contact injuries" for pets. According to the relevant legal provisions, the keeper is also liable in this case.

Huaqiao University responds to the dismissal of female teachers during pregnancy

The Personnel Office of Huaqiao University responded to the recent online discussion about the dismissal of a pregnant female teacher due to assessment issues through its official Weibo.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

After setting up a special working group to investigate, the school said that the teacher involved was a full-time teacher who joined in 2021 and has not received his assessment materials or dismissal notice. The school attaches great importance to the health of teachers, will support them in the smooth motherhood and childbirth, and handle relevant assessment and appointment matters in accordance with the law. The author of the original article said that the dismissal of the employee who did not meet the assessment criteria when she was pregnant is under investigation.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Article 14 of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that an employer shall not terminate a labor contract for a female employee during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

In addition, Article 12 of the Special Provisions on the Labor Protection of Female Employees also clearly stipulates the rights and interests of female employees during pregnancy, including the guarantee of their normal wages and benefits, as well as the reasonable arrangement of work and rest time. These legal provisions are designed to protect the legal rights and interests of pregnant women and ensure that they can work and give birth with peace of mind.

The Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court ruled in the second instance that the appeal of the relatives was rejected and the bequest and maintenance agreement for the elderly was upheld

The Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court made a second-instance judgment on the validity of the "Bequest and Maintenance Agreement" signed by Ma and the fruit stall owner Liu notarized by the Shanghai Notary Office. A review of the case shows that Ma, an 88-year-old elderly man who lives alone, donated real estate and other property worth 3 million yuan to Liu, a fruit stall owner, and signed a bequest and maintenance agreement. However, after the death of the old man, his relatives challenged the validity of the agreement, triggering a lawsuit.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The court of first instance found that Ma had full capacity for civil conduct when he signed the agreement, and confirmed that Liu had fulfilled his maintenance obligations after signing the agreement. However, Ma's relatives were dissatisfied with the verdict and appealed to the Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court. After the trial, the Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court held that Ma had a clear mental state and cognitive level at the time of signing the agreement, and recognized the validity of the agreement.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

At the same time, the court also affirmed Liu's care and spiritual support for Ma during the period of living together.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

In summary, the Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court upheld the judgment of the court of first instance and rejected the appeal request of Ma's relatives. The judge reminded that when signing a bequest and maintenance agreement, both parties need to abide by the law, ensure that the content of the agreement is reasonable and fair, and ensure that the true wishes of the legatee are respected. At the same time, the dependant should also faithfully fulfill the obligations of the agreement to ensure that the rights and interests of the dependant are not infringed.

The price adjustment of Master Kong's instant noodles has sparked heated discussions in the market

The news of the price increase of Master Kong's instant noodles has aroused widespread attention. Although the customer service of Master Kong's Taobao and Jingdong's official flagship stores has not received a price increase notice, according to insiders, there are indeed price increases for Master Kong's bagged and classic bucket instant noodles. Reasons for price increases may include market pressures and increased costs. Mr. Zheng, who runs a supermarket in a second-tier city, said Master Kong's bagged instant noodles had been repackaged and printed with suggested retail prices.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Master Kong's salesman revealed that the company has not yet issued an official announcement, but the direction of price increase has been determined. Master Kong has adjusted the price of its products many times in recent years. After raising the price of 1L beverages in the first quarter of this year, the price increase of Master Kong's instant noodles may affect consumers and retailers. Some supermarkets have said they will follow suit with price increases, while others have switched to brands that have not increased their prices. Master Kong's move has triggered a re-examination of the instant noodle industry in the industry, and also highlighted the fierce competition in the market.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

With the price adjustment, the choice of consumers and retailers will be a key factor in Master Kong's future development.

Beijing has announced a list of 10 people who have been banned from driving for life

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Traffic Management Department released to the public a list of 10 people who have been investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law and banned from driving for life due to major traffic accidents, causing serious injuries or deaths, or causing major losses to public and private property. The age ranges from 21 to 56 years old.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Lifetime driving ban is an administrative penalty imposed by the public security traffic management department on a motor vehicle driver in accordance with the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing regulations, and the motor vehicle driver's license is revoked and cannot be re-obtained for life.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The 10 drivers escaped after a traffic accident, constituting a crime, and have been sentenced by the court in accordance with the law, and the traffic management department has banned them from driving for life in accordance with the law.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

For example, in an accident on May 10, 2023, Wang Mouhai was sentenced to one year and two months in prison after driving a small car and collided with a pedestrian while drunk, resulting in the death of one person. Similar circumstances include two accidents on May 1 and May 15, 2020, which resulted in multiple deaths and involved serious violations such as escape and drunk driving. Those who have been banned from driving for life are still subject to the dynamic supervision of the national traffic management information network, and once they try to apply for a motor vehicle driver's license, the system will be automatically locked; If you are caught driving a motor vehicle on the road after being banned from driving, you will face severe legal penalties.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The traffic management department reminds the majority of drivers that summer is the time when bicycle and pedestrian activities increase, and driving on the road must strictly abide by traffic laws, drive in a civilized manner, drive safely, and avoid lifelong regrets due to negligence and wrong choices. In the event of a traffic accident, you should stop immediately, protect the scene, and quickly call the police to assist the police in dealing with it.

2024 Shanghai International Low-Carbon Smart Mobility Exhibition: The new energy vehicle industry ushers in a new era

The Paper reporter learned from the press briefing of the Shanghai Carbon Neutrality Expo held by the Shanghai Municipal Government that the 2024 Shanghai International Low-Carbon Smart Travel Exhibition (GSA2024) will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from June 5 to June 8. With the theme of "Technology Leading, Cross-border Innovation", the exhibition is expected to cover an area of 60,000 square meters and will be held concurrently with the "2024 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology, Products and Achievements Expo".

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

Hosted by the Shanghai Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the exhibition invited nearly 200 companies to participate in the exhibition, and more than 40 well-known domestic and foreign automobile brands actively participated. The exhibition focuses on new energy vehicles, automotive supply chain and technology enterprises, aiming to create more new platforms for the industry to focus on technology leadership, exchange and cooperation and cross-border innovation, and become the largest new energy vehicle exhibition held in Shanghai.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

In addition to the display of automotive brands, this year's exhibition will also hold summit forums and concurrent forums, covering hot topics such as the integrated development of vehicle-road networks, hydrogen energy and fuel cells, and innovative technologies for vehicle electrification, and jointly discuss industry development trends.

Big event happens! At 22:00 on May 17, 2024, 7 major events occurred in China

The exhibition will also create a green consumption atmosphere, bringing consumers an immersive booth experience, exclusive test rides and test drives, as well as a wealth of surprise welfare activities, and real money will present a welfare feast for car buyers.