
The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

author:Rich Devin 1e2q

麒麟芯片重返王座,Mate 70性能暴增,iPhone16能否抗衡?

The launch of the Huawei Mate 70 series is imminent, and the new flagship phone will go head-to-head with Apple's iPhone 16 series in September this year. According to reports, the Mate 70 will be equipped with a new generation of Kirin 9100 chip, and the performance is expected to exceed 1.1 million points, returning to the king of mobile phone chip performance. The Mate 70 will also feature top-of-the-line features such as a large main camera and support for 5.5G networks, and is expected to surpass the iPhone 16 series.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

As Huawei's annual flagship in 2024, the importance of the Huawei Mate 70 series is self-evident. This time, Huawei will go all out to achieve comprehensive overtaking in hardware, software, imaging and other aspects, and regain the domestic high-end mobile phone sales championship.

In terms of hardware, the biggest highlight of the Mate 70 series is the new generation of Kirin 9100 flagship chip. The Kirin 9100 is manufactured using TSMC's 4nm process, which has greatly improved single-core performance and energy efficiency. According to Huawei insiders, the AnTuTu score of the Kirin 9100 can exceed 1.1 million points, which is not only far ahead of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, but is even expected to surpass the Apple A16 processor and regain the throne of the mobile phone chip performance king.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

In addition to the powerful CPU performance, the Kirin 9100 also has breakthrough improvements in GPU and AI performance. The new generation of da Vinci NPU architecture greatly enhances AI computing power, which will bring better photography, video, and gaming experience to Huawei mobile phones. The Kirin 9100 will also be the first mobile phone chip to support 5.5G network, with a maximum downlink rate of 10Gbps, which is 10 times faster than 5G, bringing an unprecedented ultra-fast network experience.

In terms of imaging, the Huawei Mate 70 series will be equipped with the most powerful bottom main camera in China. According to the leaks, Huawei will use OV50X large bottom main camera, with an image sensor area of up to 1/1 inch and a pixel of 50 million. With the excellent imaging capabilities of the main camera, the Mate 70 series will achieve a significant improvement in low-light photo quality, detail, and noise control.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

In addition to the main camera, the Mate 70 series will also be equipped with a 50-megapixel telephoto lens, a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 13-megapixel portrait ultra-wide-angle lens, enabling a comprehensive image upgrade. The telephoto lens of the Mate 70 series is expected to support 5x optical zoom, far exceeding the 3x optical zoom of the iPhone 16 Pro series, giving users more powerful zoom shooting capabilities.

In terms of aviation and charging, the Huawei Mate 70 series will also have breakthrough performance. The Mate 70 series will have a battery capacity of up to 6000mAh and support 100W wired fast charging. With such a large battery and 100-watt fast charging, it will undoubtedly bring users a long-lasting and convenient power supply experience.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

In terms of software ecosystem, the Huawei Mate 70 series is likely to be the first mobile phone to be equipped with the official version of HarmonyOS NEXT. It is understood that HarmonyOS NEXT will not only greatly improve fluency and memory utilization, but also further expand the application ecosystem, striving to exceed 500,000 applications by the end of the year.

The software ecosystem of the Huawei Mate 70 series is also worth paying attention to. It has been revealed that this series is expected to be the first mobile phone to be equipped with the official version of HarmonyOS NEXT. As Huawei's latest achievement in the development of the HarmonyOS system over the years, HarmonyOS NEXT will bring users a new experience.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

HarmonyOS NEXT will revolutionize smoothness and memory utilization. According to insiders, HarmonyOS NEXT's memory management efficiency is 3 times higher than that of the current Android system, which means that the phone will run more smoothly, switch between applications faster, and the overall experience will be greatly improved.

HarmonyOS NEXT will have built-in advanced on-device AI support. With Huawei's self-developed da Vinci NPU, HarmonyOS NEXT will unleash powerful computing power in AI scenarios such as image recognition and voice interaction, bringing users a new intelligent experience.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

The application ecosystem of HarmonyOS NEXT will also be further expanded. By the end of 2024, Huawei has set an ambitious goal of having more than 500,000 apps in the HarmonyOS ecosystem, covering the needs of users. To achieve this goal, Huawei has not only stepped up its support for developers, but also actively cooperated with major application vendors to promote the adaptation of popular applications to the HarmonyOS system.

HarmonyOS NEXT will also further enhance the security and privacy protection of the system. Leveraging Huawei's years of technology accumulation in chips and systems, HarmonyOS NEXT will provide users with a more reliable and secure environment, from the underlying chip to the system framework.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

The unveiling of HarmonyOS NEXT marks a key step in Huawei's efforts to build an autonomous and controllable software ecosystem. With the continuous improvement of this system and the increasingly rich ecosystem, it is believed that it will bring a new experience to users and help Huawei mobile phones stand out in the future market competition.

For Apple's iPhone 16 series, the release of the Huawei Mate 70 series will undoubtedly bring great challenges. For a long time, Apple has been taking a leading position in the high-end mobile phone market with its excellent hardware strength and perfect iOS ecosystem. But with the arrival of the Huawei Mate 70 series, this landscape may change.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

In terms of hardware strength, the Huawei Mate 70 series is expected to surpass the Apple A16 processor with a new generation of Kirin chips and regain the throne of mobile phone chip performance. The Mate 70 series will have breakthrough performance in many aspects such as imaging, networking, and battery life, and the hardware strength is expected to completely surpass the iPhone 16 series.

In terms of software ecosystem, the debut of HarmonyOS NEXT will also bring unprecedented challenges to Apple's iOS. Although the iOS ecosystem is still dominant, as the HarmonyOS ecosystem continues to expand, it may face the risk of being overtaken in the next few years. Once the HarmonyOS ecosystem reaches a certain scale, it is believed that more and more developers and users will choose to join this camp.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

In terms of supply chain, the Huawei Mate 70 series has increased its stock supply significantly, which may alleviate the problem of short supply of previous generations. This not only means that consumers can enjoy a better buying experience, but also further enhances Huawei's competitiveness in the market.

In terms of brand influence, Huawei's outstanding performance in the field of innovation and technology over the years has won it a high reputation. The release of the Mate 70 series will further enhance Huawei's brand image in the minds of consumers and win more favor for it in future market competition.

The peerless machine Huawei Mate 70 was reborn, and the Apple 16 quickly lost ground!

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