
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge


The state recently announced that it will cancel the lower limit of interest rates on commercial loans for first and second homes! As soon as this news came out, it really blew up, some people were happy and some were worried. What does this mean, and what does it mean for us ordinary home buyers?

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

The lower limit of the interest rate of commercial loans

To put it simply, it's like if you go to the bank to borrow money to buy a house, the bank doesn't borrow for nothing, and you have to charge interest. How to determine this interest rate, the country used to have a bottom line, and it could not be lower than a certain amount, which is the so-called "lower limit of interest rate". Now, this "floor" has been removed, and the bank can watch and do it by itself, and reduce as much as it wants.

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

So it's canceled, what's going on?

This means that there is more room for banks to negotiate with their customers. What used to be a "flat price" is now a "free market". In order to attract customers, banks may offer lower loan interest rates, especially for those who want to buy a first home or change to a second home, your loan cost may be reduced!

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

For our people, it's a big red envelope!

If the interest rate drops, it means that you have less money to repay every month, or you can borrow more money for the same money, which is not a disguised reduction in the threshold for buying a house! Especially for the people who just need it, it is simply a relief in the snow.

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

Everyone has plenty of money, the willingness to buy a house is naturally strong, the house is sold quickly, the developer can also take a breath, and the whole market is like being blown by the spring breeze and is full of vitality.

But you have to be careful!

Banks are also not philanthropists, and they may treat different customers differently. Those with good credit and strong repayment ability may enjoy more discounts; On the contrary, you may have to follow the "old rules".

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

In the short term, this wave of operations may make some people buy houses in a hurry, and housing prices may have to rise slightly. What about the long term? No one dares to pack tickets, after all, the market has its own laws.

Here's how to deal with it!

Now that the bank has greater autonomy, you may be able to save tens of thousands of dollars in interest if you go to a few more and ask!

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

Don't be tempted just by looking at the low interest rate, you have to calculate the general ledger, including the down payment, monthly payment, loan term, and your own income stability.

What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?
What does it mean to remove the lower limit on the interest rate of commercial loans for first and second homes?

Keep up with the policy vane, policy is a thing that changes, you have to pay attention at all times, don't let yourself be the last one to take over.