
The French general angrily recalled the Sino-French naval battle, and our army surrendered with a white flag and was still shot, suffering heavy casualties

author:Xiaoxin will tell you history
{"info":{"title":{"content":"法军上将愤怒回忆中法海战,我军挂白旗投降依旧遭射击,伤亡惨重","en":"The French general angrily recalled the Sino-French naval battle, and our army surrendered with a white flag and was still shot, suffering heavy casualties"},"description":{"content":"在19世纪末的中法战争中,有一个事件曾让法国上将阿巴努愤愤不平多年。据说在一次海战中,即便法军已经明显挂出白旗投降,却仍...","en":"During the Sino-French War at the end of the 19th century, there was an incident that left French Admiral Abana angry for years. It is said that in a naval battle, even though the French army had clearly flown the white flag and surrendered, it was still ..."}},"items":[]}