
Is it a magnificent change of law, or the wisdom and conspiracy between two historical giants

author:Xiaoxin will tell you history
{"info":{"title":{"content":"是段波澜壮阔的变法风云,还是两位历史巨人,之间的智慧与权谋","en":"Is it a magnificent change of law, or the wisdom and conspiracy between two historical giants"},"description":{"content":"提到宋神宗和王安石,是那段波澜壮阔的变法风云,还是两位历史巨人间的智慧与权谋?1075年,一个充满野心的皇帝和一个满腔热...","en":"When it comes to Song Shenzong and Wang Anshi, is it the magnificent period of law change, or the wisdom and conspiracy between the two historical giants? In 1075, an ambitious emperor and a hot..."}},"items":[]}