
A high-ranking official who fell from the clouds and finally walked to the execution ground, the only Shoufu of the Ming Dynasty to be publicly executed

author:Xiaoxin will tell you history
{"info":{"title":{"content":"从云端跌落,最终走向刑场的高级官员,明朝唯一被公开处决的首辅","en":"A high-ranking official who fell from the clouds and finally walked to the execution ground, the only Shoufu of the Ming Dynasty to be publicly executed"},"description":{"content":"想象一下,在明朝一个权力的巅峰,却突然从云端跌落,最终走向刑场的高级官员。这不是电视剧的情节,而是真实发生过的历史事件。...","en":"Imagine a high-ranking official at the pinnacle of power in the Ming Dynasty, but suddenly fell from the clouds and finally went to the execution ground. This is not the plot of a TV series, but a historical event that really happened. ..."}},"items":[]}