
Historically, jade is not just as simple as ornaments, beautiful jade collection, which dynasty most admired "big"

author:Xiaoxin will tell you history
{"info":{"title":{"content":"历史上玉器不只装饰品那么简单,美玉收藏,哪个朝代最推崇“大”","en":"Historically, jade is not just as simple as ornaments, beautiful jade collection, which dynasty most admired \"big\""},"description":{"content":"历史上的玉器不仅仅是装饰品那么简单,它还是权力与财富的象征!尤其是在唐宋两代,玉器的地位可以说是无人能出其右。想象一下,...","en":"Historically, jade is not just an ornament, it is also a symbol of power and wealth! Especially in the Tang and Song dynasties, the status of jade can be said to be unsurpassed. Imagine that,..."}},"items":[]}