
All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

author:Xiao Wang Entertainment

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First of all, let's talk about Wang Churan's line skills. I have to say that sometimes her lines do give people a slightly stiff feeling. There may be many reasons for this. It may be that she does not have a thorough understanding of the characters' lines and fails to fully comprehend the emotions and intentions behind each sentence, which leads to a bit of mechanical and rigid expression.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

Or perhaps she lacks enough training in vocal skills and intonation control, which makes her lines sound like they lack that smart charm and natural rhythm. It's really like reading a text aloud when you're reading a book, although the words are read, but it's missing the natural vividness.

Let's take a look at her body movements when acting, the swaying appearance really affects the audience's viewing experience. It's as if the ground under her feet is not very stable, which can easily pull the audience out of the plot. Here, I have to give Wang Churan a little advice.

That is to strengthen the control of your body and the sense of balance. You can pay more attention to your posture and movements in daily life through some physical training courses, so that you can be more calm and confident when performing, and behave more appropriately and generously. This will not only improve the quality of the performance, but also make the audience more immersed in the story.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

Speaking of the role of Fan Xian, sometimes his deliberate gags are really loved and hated. This kind of performance actually has a rather complex impact on the development of the plot. On the plus side, this adds some light-hearted humor to the plot, allowing viewers to get a moment of relaxation and laughter in the midst of a tense episode.

But on the other hand, sometimes this kind of overly casual performance may dilute the seriousness and tension of the plot, so that the audience can't help but laugh when they are nervous. This requires actors to be more precise in grasping this degree, and not to indulge their performances too much, otherwise it may backfire.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

As for the role of the prince, the changes in his character design are indeed quite interesting. Sometimes it feels like his persona is like the changeable weather, one moment the sun is shining, and the other is cloudy. This is quite a challenge for character building. For example, one moment he was still stable and dignified, and the next moment he may become a little impulsive and reckless because of an unexpected event.

Here's a little advice for actors when interpreting such a role. That is, we should pay more attention to the coherence and logic of the character design. It is necessary to dig deep into the change process in the character's heart, so that the audience can understand why the character has such a transformation, rather than making the audience feel inexplicable and confused. Only in this way can the audience better accept and love these characters.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

For the development of the plot and characters, we can clearly see that there are not only eye-catching flashpoints, but also some things that need to be further improved and perfected. I hope that in the future plot direction, it can be more exciting, and the characters can be more plump and three-dimensional, and charming.

As for the performance of the actors, of course, we are full of expectations. A young actor like Wang Churan must make full use of every opportunity to perform, constantly hone his lines and acting skills, and strive to keep up with those powerful actors. You must know that the improvement of acting skills cannot be completed overnight, and requires long-term accumulation and precipitation.

And for important roles like Fan Xian and the prince, the actors have to redouble their attention when interpreting. It is necessary to deeply understand the inner world of the characters and feel their joys, sorrows and sorrows, so that the characters can be interpreted vividly and vividly.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

Let's look forward to more surprises and touches from the actors in future performances! I believe that they will be able to continue to make progress and surpass themselves, and present us with more wonderful film and television works. After all, the audience's eyes are extremely bright, and only a truly excellent performance can win everyone's heartfelt love and recognition!

We can further delve into the issue of Wang Churan's performance. She may still seem a little immature and thin in some emotional expressions. For example, when dealing with some complex emotional conflicts, her performance may not be so delicate and in-depth, and she cannot fully bring the audience into that strong emotional atmosphere. This may require more delving and practice in her emotional understanding and presentation skills. You can observe more of the various emotional expressions in life, and learn more about the performance methods of other excellent actors in similar scenes, so as to continuously improve your performance level.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

As for the roles of Fan Xian and the prince, we can also analyze it from the perspective of rationality and logic of the plot. For example, whether Fan Xian's gags really fit his character and situation in some scenes, and whether they will have an unreasonable impact on the development of the plot. Similarly, whether the changes in the prince's character have been fully foreshadowed and explained in the plot, and whether the audience can naturally accept this change. This requires more careful design and control by the screenwriter and director in the creative process.

We can also highlight the mutually fulfilling relationship between the actor and the character. A good actor can give new life and charm to a character, and a good character can also provide a stage for an actor to show his talent. It is only when the actor and the character are perfectly integrated that a haunting classic can be produced. At the same time, we can also call on the entire film and television industry to pay more attention to the training and development of actors, provide them with more and better opportunities and platforms, and jointly promote the prosperity and progress of the film and television industry.

All the members of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are working too hard! Yan Bingyun likes to purse the corners of his mouth, and Wang Churan's lines are poor

Through the in-depth analysis of Wang Churan, Fan Xian and the prince, we can have a more comprehensive understanding of various problems and challenges in film and television performances, and can also provide some useful suggestions and inspirations for the growth and development of actors. Let's swim in the ocean of film and television and feel the infinite charm of performing arts together!

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