
Why is there reproductive isolation between humans and gorillas? How did scientists find out?

author:Your name has kept me healed
{"info":{"title":{"content":"人和大猩猩之间,为什么会有生殖隔离?科学家是如何发现的?","en":"Why is there reproductive isolation between humans and gorillas? How did scientists find out?"},"description":{"content":"导语2012年,《自然》杂志刊登了一篇题为《人类与大猩猩之间为何有生殖隔离?》的论文,该论文揭示了人类与大猩猩之间存在生...","en":"IntroductionIn 2012, the journal Nature published an article entitled \"Why is there reproductive isolation between humans and gorillas?\" The paper revealed that there is a living relationship between humans and gorillas."}},"items":[]}