
What does India's choice to export in large quantities of less than half of China's grain production have implications for China?

author:Your name has kept me healed
{"info":{"title":{"content":"印度粮食产量不足中国一半,却选择大量出口,这对中国有何启示?","en":"What does India's choice to export in large quantities of less than half of China's grain production have implications for China?"},"description":{"content":"导语自2020年以来,全球粮食价格出现暴涨,部分国家粮食供应受阻,不得不实行粮食出口限制,导致全球粮食困境进一步加剧。而...","en":"IntroductionSince 2020, global food prices have skyrocketed, and some countries have been hindered by food supply and have had to impose restrictions on food exports, which has further aggravated the global food dilemma. Whereas..."}},"items":[]}