
The guy learns to breathe fire on the online alcohol performance, netizens: It was for you to squirt out, but I didn't tell you to suck it back!

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Recently, a piece of news has attracted widespread attention. Mr. Wang suffered severe burns to his chin and neck after mimicking an online fire-breathing performance with alcohol in his mouth. This incident reminds us once again that we must remain vigilant against risky behaviour and not allow imitation to become harmful.

The guy learns to breathe fire on the online alcohol performance, netizens: It was for you to squirt out, but I didn't tell you to suck it back!

The fire-breathing performance with alcohol in the mouth seems interesting, but in fact it is a huge danger. Alcohol is a flammable substance that can easily cause fires and burns once it comes into contact with an open flame. But Mr. Wang did not realize this, and was confused by the misleading of the merchant and took a risk. This neglect of danger and lack of attention to one's own safety is truly regrettable.

The guy learns to breathe fire on the online alcohol performance, netizens: It was for you to squirt out, but I didn't tell you to suck it back!

In the age of the Internet, all kinds of novel behaviors and performances emerge one after another, attracting people's attention. However, while appreciating, we must have clear judgment and not blindly imitate. Because many times, we only see the superficial fun and excitement, but ignore the risks and consequences behind it. If you don't follow the trend without thinking, you are likely to cause irreparable damage to yourself and others.

The guy learns to breathe fire on the online alcohol performance, netizens: It was for you to squirt out, but I didn't tell you to suck it back!

So, how can similar tragedies be avoided? First of all, we need to be more aware of safety and always remind ourselves that danger is all around us. Be wary of seemingly fun but dangerous behaviors, and don't try them lightly. Secondly, we must learn to judge rationally and not blindly follow the trend. When facing all kinds of information on the Internet, we must have our own thinking and judgment ability, and not be confused by appearances. Finally, relevant platforms and merchants should also take responsibility and give clear reminders and warnings to behaviors that may cause danger to avoid misleading consumers.

The guy learns to breathe fire on the online alcohol performance, netizens: It was for you to squirt out, but I didn't tell you to suck it back!

In short, safety is no small matter, and each of us should always keep it in mind. I hope that Mr. Wang's experience can sound the alarm for more people, so that we can be vigilant against dangerous behaviors and not let imitation become harmful. At the same time, it is also hoped that the relevant departments can strengthen the supervision and publicity of such dangerous behaviors, so that the public can better understand their dangers, so as to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents.