
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems

author:Good Learning, Sail Vgx
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems
The essence of management is to manage things with processes and systems

Yanyu Jiangnan, the way of management

In the misty and rainy water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the blue bricks and tiles are filled with a moist mist, as if a splashed ink landscape painting is slowly unfolding in front of you. Standing on this ancient stone bridge, looking at the gurgling water under the bridge, I couldn't help but think about the way of management.

"Jiangnan can pick lotus, lotus leaves He Tiantian." The beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River not only makes people revel in the beauty of nature, but also makes people think about how to use management to lead the prosperity and development of enterprises, organizations and even the whole society in such an era full of changes and opportunities.

In this special period of the Republic of China, social turmoil is unstable, and enterprises and organizations are facing unprecedented challenges. I know that if you want to gain a foothold in this era, you must have a set of effective management methods. Therefore, I began to explore and practice the management method of "managing things with processes and managing people with systems".

First, use the process to manage things

"Flowing water does not compete for the first, what is fought for is endless." In the flowing water of Gangnam, I saw the power of the process. The water comes from the source, travels through meandering channels, and finally joins the sea. Although the process is long and complex, every drop of water follows the same pattern and follows the established process.

Similarly, in business management, processes are crucial. A well-established process ensures that work runs smoothly and reduces unnecessary waste and errors. I began to formulate and optimize the various processes of the enterprise, from production, sales to finance, personnel and other links have been carefully sorted out and planned.

I remember one time, I was communicating with an experienced veteran employee. He told me: "In the past, we did things based on experience, and there was no clear process. This is not only inefficient, but also prone to problems. "I thought so, so I decided to start by developing a process to change that.

After a period of hard work, our company's processes have gradually improved. Employees work in accordance with the process, which greatly improves efficiency and significantly reduces the error rate. I am deeply grateful, and at the same time, I am more determined to manage things with the process.

Second, use the system to manage people

"There are no rules." In the streets and alleys of Jiangnan, I felt the constraints and norms of the system. Although the houses on both sides of the street are of different styles, they all follow certain building codes; Pedestrians on the street are in a hurry, but they all obey the traffic rules. All this is inseparable from the constraints and norms of the system.

Similarly, in business management, institutions are indispensable. A sound system can ensure that the behavior of employees meets the requirements of the enterprise and ensure the normal operation of the enterprise. I began to formulate and improve the various systems of the enterprise, and carried out comprehensive consideration and planning from employee code of conduct, reward and punishment mechanism, financial management, safety production, etc.

In the process of formulating the system, I pay attention to listening to the opinions and suggestions of employees. I know very well that a good system is not something that one person can come up with, but requires the joint efforts and wisdom of everyone. Through communication and exchanges with employees, I have gradually improved a set of systems that are not only in line with the actual situation of the company, but also can stimulate the enthusiasm of employees.

I remember one time, our company encountered a serious quality problem. In the process of investigating the cause, I found that it had something to do with our system. Therefore, I immediately organized the staff to discuss and revise the deficiencies in the system. Through the joint efforts of everyone, we quickly resolved the problem and prevented a similar incident from happening again.

Through this incident, I have become more deeply aware of the importance of using the system to manage people. A good system can not only restrain the behavior of employees, but also stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and inject a steady stream of power into the development of the enterprise.

3. In-depth thinking and perception

In the process of exploring and practicing the management method of "managing things with processes and managing people with systems", I gradually realized some profound truths.

First of all, the process is the foundation and guarantee of enterprise management. A well-established process ensures that work runs smoothly and reduces unnecessary waste and errors. At the same time, processes allow employees to clarify their responsibilities and tasks, improve productivity and collaboration.

Secondly, the system is an important means and tool for enterprise management. A sound system can restrain the behavior of employees and ensure the normal operation of the enterprise. At the same time, the system can also stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and inject a steady stream of power into the development of the enterprise.

Finally, I believe that "managing things with processes and systems" is not a rigid management model, but a flexible management idea. In practice, we need to continuously adjust and optimize processes and systems according to the actual situation of the enterprise to adapt to the changing market environment and customer needs.

Standing on the stone bridge in the south of the Yangtze River and looking at the beautiful scenery in front of me, I felt that I had a great responsibility on my shoulders. I will continue to explore and practice the management method of "managing things with processes and managing people with systems", and contribute to the prosperity and development of the enterprise. At the same time, I also hope to share my thoughts and experience with more people to jointly promote the progress and development of China's enterprise management.

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