
How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

author:Yu Shengyu 443

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How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

The Tang Empire, the once glorious and prosperous era, was prosperous like a dream. Under the city of Chang'an, there is a lot of traffic, businessmen gathered, and it is a prosperous scene. However, behind this brilliance, there is a hidden secret - the mountains of gold and silver treasures in the treasury, cold and heavy, have become a big worry behind the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

The national treasury is supposed to be a sacred place to store the country's wealth and support the country's operation. But the treasury of the Tang Dynasty has become the grave of wealth. The glittering treasures of gold and silver were so valuable that even the richest merchants could hardly have imagined. They lie there quietly, as if telling the prosperity and glory of the Tang Dynasty.

How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

However, these riches did not bring endless joy and peace to Datang. On the contrary, they became a source of headache for the emperor and courtiers. The wealth in the national treasury is growing day by day, and how to properly manage and effectively use this wealth has become a thorny problem.

It was proposed to build more palaces and temples to highlight the majesty and glory of the Tang Dynasty. However, these buildings, while magnificent, require a lot of money and manpower, and they do not solve the problem of the growing treasury. It has been suggested that military spending should be increased in order to maintain the security and stability of the country. However, this is only a palliative treatment and cannot solve the root problem.

Just when everyone was helpless, a young official named Li Han made a bold suggestion. In his opinion, part of the wealth in the treasury should be used to develop the country's economic and cultural undertakings. This will not only solve the problem of the ever-expanding national treasury, but also enable the country's economy and culture to develop more healthily.

How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

The emperor and courtiers were fascinated by Li Han's suggestion. They began to seriously consider the feasibility of this proposal. After some intense discussion and debate, it was finally decided to adopt Li Han's suggestion and use part of the wealth in the state treasury to develop the country's economy and culture.

As a result, a vigorous plan to exploit wealth unfolded in the Tang Empire. The emperor ordered the construction of water conservancy facilities, the improvement of transportation roads, and the development of agricultural production and commercial trade. The implementation of these measures has led to the rapid development of the country's economy, with a bumper harvest of agricultural production and a prosperous commercial trade. At the same time, the emperor also encouraged the prosperity and development of culture and art, and supported the creation and exchange of literati and artists.

However, the good times were short-lived. Over time, the wealth in the treasury did not decrease as expected. On the contrary, the wealth in the treasury is constantly increasing due to the prosperity and development of the country. This put the emperor and courtiers in a headache again.

How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

They began to reflect: why is it that the wealth in the treasury is always irreducible? Is it because our wealth utilization plan is not perfect? Or is it because of the corruption of the bureaucracy and the persistence of loopholes in fiscal management?

After some in-depth investigation and research, the emperor and his courtiers finally found the crux of the problem. It turned out that although they took measures to develop the country's economic and cultural undertakings, they did not fundamentally solve the problem of corruption in the bureaucracy and loopholes in financial management. These problems lead to a vicious circle in which the wealth in the treasury cannot be used and managed effectively.

To solve this problem, the emperor and the courtiers decided to take more decisive and forceful measures. They have strengthened the supervision and management of the bureaucracy and severely punished corrupt officials; At the same time, the financial management system has been reformed and the transparency and efficiency of financial management have been enhanced. The implementation of these measures has enabled the wealth in the state treasury to be effectively utilized and managed, and the country's economic and cultural undertakings have been developed more healthily.

How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache

However, the solution to this problem is not once and for all. Although the Tang Empire was once prosperous, its ultimate fate was to decline. The cold "billions" of gold and silver treasures in the treasury have become a witness to the rise and fall of the Tang Empire. They lie there silently, as if to warn the world that a country's prosperity depends not only on the amount of wealth it has, but more importantly on how it is effectively managed and utilized.

The question is thrown:

What kind of warning does the wealth puzzle of the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty bring us? In the modern world, how can we avoid similar wealth inflation and management dilemmas? Should we pay more attention to the efficient use and management of wealth, rather than just pursuing the accumulation of wealth? It is hoped that readers will be able to think deeply about these issues and contribute to the prosperity and development of society together.

How rich is the Tang Dynasty: there are only cold "billions" in the treasury, which is really a headache