
The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

author:Yu Shengyu 443

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The story behind the march in ancient times, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

In the long history of ancient history, there are countless stories of marching and fighting. These stories are not just about a contest of courage and force, but also of wisdom and strategy. Today, we'll explore the stories behind ancient marches, how they marched, how they chose their path, and who led the way.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

In an ancient dynasty in the land of China, the young general Li Jing received an important military mission - to lead an elite army through the endless mountains to the frontier to defend against foreign invasions. In the face of this arduous task, Li Jing knew very well that marching and fighting a war was not a simple move, but required precise planning and careful deployment.

After many days of discussion, Li Jing and his advisers finally decided to choose a winding mountain road as the main road for the march. Although the road is rough and difficult, it is able to avoid the main forces of the enemy army and reduce unnecessary combat attrition. Moreover, the dense forests on both sides of the mountain road also provide natural cover for the army, making them more difficult to detect by enemy forces.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

After determining the route of the march, Li Jing began to think about how to march. He knew that the speed and concealment of the march were crucial. Therefore, he ordered his soldiers to rest and recharge during the day, and at night to march quickly under the cover of night. In addition, Li Jing also specially arranged an elite scout team to be responsible for reconnoitering the enemy's situation and terrain changes during the march, and providing timely and accurate information support for the army.

However, even with these preparations, Li Jing still faces an important question - who will lead the way for this huge team? In ancient times, the choice of the leader was crucial. Not only do they need to have a wealth of topographical knowledge and keen insight, but they also need to have the qualities of a strong will and loyalty.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

After careful consideration, Li Jing decided to choose a veteran named Zhao Ming as the guide. Zhao Ming had served in the border areas for many years and knew the local topography well. He excelled in many battles and earned the respect and trust of his soldiers. Moreover, Zhao Ming has a calm personality and acts cautiously, which is very suitable for the role of leading the way.

The march began. Under the leadership of Zhao Ming, the army quietly advanced along the winding mountain road. The moonlight at night provided natural cover for the army, making them more difficult to spot by enemy forces. With his rich experience and keen observation, Zhao Ming constantly guided the direction and provided intelligence for the army. He climbed to the top of the mountain to observe the terrain, and sometimes traveled through the dense forests in search of water to ensure the smooth progress of his army.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

However, the march was not all smooth sailing. During a journey through the jungle, the army was suddenly attacked by a pack of beasts. The soldiers panicked and did not know what to do. Zhao Ming quickly calmed down, he commanded the soldiers to form a circle to resist the attack of the beast, and ordered the scout team to go to find the beast's lair to destroy. Under the leadership of Zhao Ming, the soldiers successfully repelled the attack of the beast and continued to move forward.

After several days of arduous marching, the army finally reached its destination. However, they did not immediately go into battle. Li Jing knew very well that the foreign enemy had strong troops and high morale, and if he rashly attacked, he was likely to suffer heavy losses. Therefore, he decided to adopt the strategy of "waiting for work", taking advantage of the terrain to set traps and obstacles and wait for the enemy to attack. At the same time, he also ordered his soldiers to strengthen their training, improve their combat effectiveness, and always be vigilant in case of a surprise attack by enemy troops.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

In the end, after many attacks by foreign enemies were thwarted, they had to choose to retreat. The victory in this battle earned Li Jing and his army honor and respect. However, Li Jing was not complacent because of this, he knew that behind this victory was the hard work of countless soldiers and the wisdom and courage of Zhao Ming and other generals.

Looking back on this story of the ancient march, we can't help but be impressed by the wisdom and courage of Li Jing and Zhao Ming. Not only did they successfully complete the march, but they also left us with valuable revelations and lessons.

The story behind the ancient march, how to march, what path to choose, and who will lead the way

First of all, marching to war requires precise planning and careful deployment. When choosing the route and method of marching, we need to fully consider factors such as terrain, enemy situation, and our own strength, and formulate a practical plan. At the same time, we need to make adequate preparations to ensure that the army can move forward smoothly.

Second, the choice of the leader is crucial. Not only do they need to have a wealth of topographical knowledge and keen insight, but they also need to have the qualities of strong will and loyalty. Only such a person can provide accurate and reliable guidance and support to the army.

Finally, we need to be vigilant and calm at all times. In the process of marching and fighting, we may encounter various difficulties and challenges, but as long as we remain calm, firm in our convictions, and bravely face difficulties, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve ultimate victory.

So, in modern society, how can we learn from the wisdom and strategy of ancient marches? This is a question worth pondering. Perhaps we can learn from the wisdom and strategies of how to set goals, choose paths, and how to lead teams to better meet the challenges and opportunities of modern society.