
In traditional Chinese medicine, gastric ulcer means that the fluid in the stomach is gone, and the guizhi soup can be solved by changing it slightly

author:Great cure

Gastric ulcer is a problem that few people come to TCM, because Western medicine often has instruments that can observe the progress of the disease, which is more reassuring, and I treat stomach ulcers because a friend of mine believes in TCM and thinks that TCM may be faster, so let me try it.

In traditional Chinese medicine, gastric ulcer means that the fluid in the stomach is gone, and the guizhi soup can be solved by changing it slightly

I hadn't treated him before, but after I checked his pulse and tongue, I found that the stomach ulcer was actually quite serious, but in fact, there was no fluid in the stomach.

Normally, in addition to gastric acid, there will be a layer of mucus on the stomach wall, which can protect our stomach from being hurt by gastric acid, otherwise gastric acid can even dissolve raw beef, why can't it dissolve the stomach wall?

In traditional Chinese medicine, gastric ulcer means that the fluid in the stomach is gone, and the guizhi soup can be solved by changing it slightly

Therefore, the first step to solve gastric ulcers is to replenish this layer of mucus, and our Chinese medicine has been saying that in our Guizhi soup, the role of licorice, ginger and jujube is to replenish the stomach fluid, which is actually the mucus on the stomach wall.

Therefore, I directly prescribed Guizhi soup, reusing peony and licorice and jujube, why is it important to use peony, because peony will let the blood in the veins flow back to the heart and reduce abdominal pain, at the same time, because licorice can detoxify all kinds of poisons, in fact, the solution is the poison of food, I don't have to worry about the toxins produced by food deterioration in his stomach.

In traditional Chinese medicine, gastric ulcer means that the fluid in the stomach is gone, and the guizhi soup can be solved by changing it slightly

Sure enough, my friend could feel a significant improvement after taking the medicine, but after that, I continued to adjust and give him consolidation treatment, and then I received several patients with stomach ulcers, and the same idea was used to achieve the same effect quickly.

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