
Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

author:Little Red Entertainment


Recently, the divorce dispute of a former couple in the entertainment industry has once again become a hot topic of public discussion, in which the woman is the well-known actress Da S, and the man is the rich second-generation Wang Xiaofei. The love life of the two has always attracted much attention from the outside world, especially after the divorce, and various disputes and disputes have caused widespread speculation and discussion.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious
Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

For a long time, Da S has been known as "Mrs. Sue", constantly telling her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei, and the reason for suing him last time was quite surprising to the outside world. It is reported that this time Big S sued Wang Xiaofei in order to get back the shares of the hotel, and this move once again pushed the emotional entanglement between the two to the forefront.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

"Mrs. Confession" was staged frequently, and Big S told her ex-husband again

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

After the divorce, Da S did not withdraw from the sight of the entertainment industry because of this, but frequently searched for a series of fateful actions, which also made her the "fateful lady" in the hearts of many people. And this time, Big S told her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei again, which once again triggered widespread speculation among the public.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

It is reported that the reason why Da S told Wang Xiaofei this time was to get back the shares of the hotel, and this was also interpreted by the outside world as an economic entanglement between the two after their divorce. After all, in the previous marriage agreement, Da S did not get the shares of the hotel, and this time her death move may be to protect her rights and interests through legal means.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Coincidentally, the emotional entanglements and disputes after the divorce have always accompanied Da S and Wang Xiaofei, and Da S's frequent telling of her ex-husband has once again caused speculation and discussion from the outside world. Some people think that Da S is doing this to save her ex-husband, and some people think that she is just trying to seize the commanding heights of public opinion, and what the truth is, perhaps only the parties themselves know best.

After getting married and having children, he stayed at home, and Big S was complained by netizens

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

After the divorce, Da S did not stop his steps because of this, but married Gu Junye in a short period of time, and soon announced the good news of pregnancy, and became a "pregnant mother" who attracted much attention in the entertainment industry for a while.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

However, a series of recent actions by Big S have made netizens quite suspicious of her living status, especially after pregnancy, Big S seems to have fallen into a state of not working and staying at home, which is in great contrast with the previous image of a "strong woman", and has been complained by many netizens.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

In fact, this state of Big S may just be a moment of confusion and uneasiness, after all, pregnancy is a major life experience for every woman, maybe all she needs is a period of proper adjustment and rest, and the doubts and speculations of the outside world may not give her too much positive energy and encouragement.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

The court appearance time was selected at **520**, reflecting the inner expectations

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

And in this fateful move, Big S also chose a special time node, that is, to appear in court on the day of 520, and there may be a very profound symbolic meaning behind this time.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious
Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Generally speaking, 520 is considered to be a homonym for "I love you", and it is also a day for couples to confess and date, and Da S's choice to appear in court on this day may also reflect a certain expectation and sustenance in her heart.

Perhaps, Da S does not want the relationship between himself and his ex-husband to be disputes and disputes all the time, but hopes that through this fateful move, he can reconcile as before and give each other a better explanation, but whether such expectations can get enough response still depends on the true thoughts and attitudes between the parties.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Zhang Lan broke the news in the live broadcast room that Ma Liuji became the winner

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Behind Big S's frequent deaths, there is also the blessing of a celebrity, that is, Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan, and her series of revelations in the live broadcast room have brought great speculation and heated discussions to the outside world.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Whether it is exposing her daughter-in-law's living status in the live broadcast room, or supporting her son in public, Zhang Lan's every move has become the focus of heated discussions in the outside world, and it has also made the entire divorce dispute more confusing.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

And behind this celebrity divorce, perhaps the third party "Ma Liuji" from the outside world is the biggest winner, after all, in such an event, there may be many unexpected benefits and benefits, and this will also become a new topic of heated discussion in the outside world.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious
Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious


Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Whether it is Big S's frequent death, or behind the divorce dispute, there are many complex emotional entanglements and entanglements, and it also involves the attention and speculation of countless people.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

Perhaps, everyone has their own life trajectory and choices, and in the face of similar disputes and disputes, perhaps we should give the parties enough understanding and tolerance, after all, their inner emotions and true thoughts may only be known to them.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

At the same time, I believe that through the fairness and justice of the law, the parties can also be given a reasonable handling and ruling, so that they can better resolve the contradictions, re-examine their lives and futures, and move towards their own happiness and beauty when facing disputes.

Big S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's hotel share dispute storm, the date 520 is too ingenious

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