
It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

author:Xiao Zhao talks about finance and economics

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The United States used to be a big producer of chips, but now in the face of global competition, they feel a lot of pressure. Recently, the American Semiconductor Association issued a report, saying that although the U.S. government has invested heavily to attract companies that make chips, their progress is not very fast in some key capacity issues.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

By 2032, Americans predict that their chip production capacity will only rank fifth in the world, and their market share will account for 14%. This means that the United States will fall in this race, especially in terms of market share. China's share is estimated to reach 21 percent, much higher than that of the United States. It seems that the United States may have to give way to other countries in this high-tech turf.

Challenges and strategies for the U.S. semiconductor industry

The progress of the United States in chip production capacity feels like a snail crawling, slowly climbing from 10% in 22 years to 14% in 32 years, and it has only climbed 4% in ten years, compared with 21% in Chinese mainland, the gap is not a star and a half.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

When it comes to mature chips with processes above 28nm, Chinese mainland is the global leader, with a market share of up to 37%. This means that the U.S. may have to cooperate with Chinese fabs in chip manufacturing in this area, which is not good news for the U.S. semiconductor industry to maintain its autonomy.

In the face of such challenges, the United States seems to be unable to sit still. Recently, the United States has raised tariffs on some Chinese products, especially electric vehicles and semiconductors. The tariff on electric vehicles has been directly increased to 100%, and the tariff on semiconductors has also been increased to 50%.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

This is obviously the United States wants to restrict the entry of Chinese semiconductors into the American market by raising tariffs and suppress the development speed of China's semiconductor industry. But can this approach of protecting one's own industry really save the semiconductor industry in the United States? Or is this just an attempt by the United States to close its doors and live on its own in the tide of global integration?

This practice of the United States has brought great pressure to its own chip design companies. Back to the United States production, the cost is too high; Production in China and shipping back to the United States will have to face tariff pressure.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

However, this does not mean that the United States does not have a way to deal with it. The United States is expected to gain 28% of the market share in advanced processes below 10nm, which shows that the United States still has a certain competitiveness in the field of high-end chip manufacturing. Moreover, the United States' innovation ability and R&D investment are also advantages that cannot be underestimated in the global semiconductor industry.

The rise of China's semiconductor industry and its global impact

The reason why China's semiconductor industry can rise so quickly depends on a mature industrial chain, low labor costs, and the "Chinese speed" praised by everyone. These advantages have made China particularly capable in the field of semiconductor manufacturing, especially in the mature chip manufacturing of processes above 28nm, and Chinese mainland's market share has reached 37%, ranking first in the world.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

However, in order to protect its semiconductor industry, the United States has recently raised tariffs on Chinese semiconductor products a lot, from 25% to 50%. This is obviously an attempt to weaken the market competitiveness of China's semiconductor products by raising costs. But can this approach of protecting its own industry really stop the progress of China's semiconductor industry?

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

But at the same time, China is also actively looking for new ways to continuously improve its competitiveness through technological innovation and industrial upgrading. China's rapid development has brought new opportunities to the global semiconductor industry, promoting technological innovation and market expansion in the industry. The rise of China has also changed the competitive landscape of the global semiconductor industry, creating challenges for other countries.

Future trends in the global semiconductor industry

In the future, the competition of advanced technology will be the focus of the semiconductor industry in the future. With the continuous emergence of 7nm, 5nm and even smaller chip technologies, whoever can make a breakthrough in this field will be able to lead the global semiconductor industry.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

These advanced technologies not only enable chips to be more powerful and consume less power, but also drive the development of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and autonomous driving. However, developing and producing these advanced processes requires a lot of money and technology, which will certainly make the global semiconductor industry more competitive.

As the center of gravity of the global economy slowly shifts eastward, emerging markets like India and Southeast Asia are becoming increasingly important in the semiconductor industry. These places have large populations and rapid economic growth, and the demand for semiconductor products is increasing.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

At the same time, they are also actively developing their own semiconductor industry, attracting large international enterprises to build factories through government support and investment. The rise of emerging markets has not only brought new growth opportunities to the global semiconductor industry, but also made the competition in the industry more diversified.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

However, the diversification of the supply chain also brings new challenges to the semiconductor industry. The global trade environment is becoming more and more complex, and how to ensure the stability and security of the supply chain has become a big problem for governments and enterprises to solve. Enterprises need to set up factories in different places to diversify risks; Governments also need policies to diversify and localize supply chains.


The United States has imposed tariffs on China's semiconductor products, China occupies a leading position in global chip production capacity, and breakthroughs in emerging markets and technologies are redefining the industry, and every step is full of strategy and wisdom.

It's ridiculous, afraid of being rolled up by Chinese chips, the United States will charge 50% tariffs on Chinese chips

Against this backdrop, companies need to be smarter and more innovative, and investors need to be sharper and more careful. The future of the semiconductor industry is not only about the advancement of science and technology, but also about whether the economy can prosper and whether the country is safe or not.

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