
The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

author:Xiao Zhao talks about finance and economics

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On the U.S. side, their president, Joe Biden, spoke out and said that he would raise taxes on Chinese goods. As soon as this incident came out, the impact was not a star. You think, electric vehicles, medical supplies, these are now hot goods, this tax increase, the cost has gone up, then sellers and buyers have to recalculate.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

Not to mention the fact that the solar energy is also piggybacked. This is the green energy that the whole world is speculating, and now it is implicated together, and this splash is big. We all know that the competition for solar energy products is fierce, the market is also large, and the tax increase will bring a lot of shocks to the cost and price.

After announcing the tax hike, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen publicly called on China not to get too excited and not to take too drastic countermeasures. But China's actions have shown its resolve. According to the Associated Press of Finance, China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds in March, bringing its total holdings of U.S. Treasuries to a 15-year low.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

The U.S. Treasury Department report also showed that China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds fell by $7.6 billion in March to $767.4 billion. This is the third consecutive month since January 2024 that China has reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries.

The underlying intent of the U.S. to impose tariffs

The U.S. tax hikes on China's electric vehicles, medical supplies and solar products appear to be an attempt to protect its own industry, but in fact it also shows that the U.S. is wary of China's technological advances. The United States wants to slow down the pace of Chinese products entering the American market by raising the threshold of tariffs, so as to protect the development of its own national industry.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

The United States is also trying to deal with the trade imbalance between China and the United States. The U.S. trade deficit with China has long been a perennial problem. The United States hopes to balance trade between the two sides by raising taxes, reducing its dependence on Chinese goods and returning manufacturing to the United States.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

This strategy of the United States is not without controversy. Some analysts say that the tax hike may make prices rise even more in the United States, and the cost of living for ordinary people will also rise. At the same time, it could provoke anger at China, triggering a counterattack from China and making the trade war even more severe.

China's counterattack strategy and the reduction of US debt holdings

In response to the US decision to raise taxes, China has reduced its holdings of US Treasury bonds, a move that not only shows China's shrewdness in the financial sector, but also shows the world that China is determined to protect its economic interests.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

China's reduction in its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds is a direct counterattack to U.S. trade policy. By reducing its dependence on U.S. financial markets, China is also reducing the impact that U.S. policy changes may have on its own economy. As soon as this strategy was launched, everyone saw China's independence and autonomy in the global economy.

China's reduction in its holdings of U.S. bonds is also due to an adjustment to its expectations for the U.S. economy. Problems with US GDP growth and the debt crisis have forced China to reconsider its investment strategy in the US bond market. China's choice reflects both a cautious view of the U.S. economic outlook and a step to reposition itself in the face of global economic risks.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

China's reduction of its holdings of U.S. bonds may have a significant impact on the U.S. economy. As the second largest overseas creditor of the United States, China's reduction of holdings could lead to a decline in the price of U.S. Treasuries, which in turn could affect U.S. economic growth and financial market stability.

The global implications of the financial game between China and the United States

The fact that the United States has raised taxes on Chinese products, coupled with China's backhand to reduce its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds, has drawn a complex picture of the global financial struggle. This battle is not only related to the future economic development of China and the United States, but also has a considerable impact on the stability and prosperity of the global financial market.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

The fact that the United States has raised taxes on Chinese products is seen as a manifestation of unilateralism and trade protectionism. This approach may not only exacerbate the trade friction between China and the United States, but also disrupt global trade flows and affect the stability of global supply chains. In this era of globalization, the establishment of any trade barriers could trigger a chain reaction that would have a negative impact on the economies of various countries.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

China's reduction in its holdings of U.S. Treasuries can be seen as a financial backlash to U.S. trade policy. This move will not only reduce China's dependence on the U.S. financial market, but also send a strong signal in the global financial market that China is protecting its interests. This strategy may also shake the confidence of international investors in US Treasuries, which in turn will affect the stability of global financial markets.


China's strategy and ingenuity in this round of competition really make the international partners have to take a good look. By buying less U.S. Treasury bonds, China is not only protecting its own economic interests, but also adding a brick to the path of global economic diversification. At the same time, it also reminds other countries that under the tide of globalization, if anyone engages in unilateralism or protectionism, in the end, everyone may not have a good life.

The United States imposed tariffs, Yellen asked China not to retaliate, and as soon as the words fell, China reduced its holdings of U.S. bonds

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