
Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

author:Kang Tsai said gossip

1. Li Yugang with his enthusiastic and unrestrained "New Concubine Drunk" is popular all over the country, and has won the highest praise of "singing all the songs known to the world"!

In the past, Li Yugang was still in a lonely corner, but with his unique and moving singing voice, he quickly rewrote the trajectory of his ordinary life. In 2006, the indomitable man bravely stepped onto the Walk of Fame for the show, displaying a powerful voice in the arena - one person plays many roles, switching between bass and soprano with ease, as if he were a natural singer.

This ingenious fusion of ancient Peking Opera art and contemporary pop music made the audience burst into applause. The judges in the audience were full of praise for him, and some directly and frankly called him a "rare genius".

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

In this way, Li Yugang transformed into a household name overnight. His famous Peking Opera song "The New Concubine Drunk" performed by both men and women swept the country, and has been praised through the ages, and some people even praised "a song that the world knows".

Even Mr. Mei Baojiu, the Taidou of Mei Pai, expressed his sincere appreciation for his ability to attract more young generations to pay attention to the quintessence of Peking Opera.

However, who could have foreseen that this smash hit divine comedy not only made Li Yugang soar to the sky, but also made him become arrogant and arrogant under the nourishment of fame, and finally made a wrong step, a wrong step, fell into a predicament, and fell from the peak to the altar? At that time, no one could have expected that this would become an important turning point in Li Yugang's life.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

2. How Li Yugang went from obscurity to overnight fame, with the power of his unique voice!

Born in an ordinary family, Li Yugang has had a deep love for music since he was a child, especially the quintessential Peking Opera. Although he did not receive a formal art education, through self-study and imitation, and through countless hardships, he finally refined an amazing skill - the free conversion of male and female voices.

In 2006, Li Yugang resolutely decided to participate in the talent show Avenue of Stars. When he demonstrated this amazing voice skill on the spot, the audience instantly boiled. He played multiple roles by himself, and the voices of men, women and children were unhindered in his mouth, perfectly combining Peking Opera music cards with pop music styles, and won the warm applause of the audience.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

The judges were keenly aware of the extraordinaryness of this young man and gave high praise to this talented "genius". Some people even praised him as a "rare talent" without hesitation, and were full of expectations for his future.

In this way, with his excellent voice talent, Li Yugang, who was originally unknown, became a blockbuster and was pushed to the center of the stage in the audience's eager anticipation.

At that time when no one expected, this once highly anticipated "genius", one of his unique classic tracks, turned out to be the lead to his fall to the bottom. In this way, when he was in a glorious situation, fate resolutely adjusted the track.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

In the third chapter, we follow the development of the plot to understand Mei Baojiu's poignant path of inheriting the art of the Mei School and devoting herself to the revival of Peking Opera.

During this period, Mei Baojiu, the son of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang, shouldered a major mission - to take over the banner of the family Meipai Troupe.

Recalling her childhood, Mui Baojiu had no interest in singing opera, and did not have the idea of learning opera until she was seven or eight years old. He is born with a manly masculinity and is quite athletic, which is far from the role of a male dan who needs to play the image of a delicate woman.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

However, the other children of the Mei family are all old and no longer soft, but Mei Baojiu, the youngest son, is still young and flexible, so he has become the only heir who can take on the family business.

Since then, Mei Baojiu has devoted herself to the art of the Mei School, and has gradually surpassed her father with unremitting efforts. Especially in terms of intonation, he can be described as "blue out of blue and better than blue".

Industry insiders commented that although his figure is not very beautiful, his singing skills have long surpassed Mei Lanfang."

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

The Meipai Troupe, which was forced to disband for various reasons, successfully regained its glory with Mei Baojiu's hard work. He not only personally guided a group of young actors, but also pushed the art of Meipai to a new peak.

In the fourth chapter, we tell the story of Li Yugang, who became arrogant and arrogant under the impact of fame, and self-styled "Li Yugang after him", which angered Mei Baojiu and broke down the relationship between the two.

Just as the unique style of "The New Concubine Drunk" is widely circulating, all kinds of praise have made Li Yugang fall into extreme self-aggrandizement. Some fanatical fans even shouted "Mei Lanfang in the front, Li Yugang in the back", "Li Yugang is the reincarnation of Mei Lanfang" and other wild words, Li Yugang did not stop it, but was complacent, facing the mirror, indulging in his talented fantasy world.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

With the stage performances again and again, the applause from the audience poured like a tide, and Li Yugang gradually fell into a state of self-absorption, really thinking that he had become a "top master" in the opera industry, enough to compete with Mei Lanfang, the master of the Mei family.

He looked in the mirror, his face full of conceit and pride, dancing and proud, fully showing his deep self-absorption.

The news that he was so arrogant about challenging Mei Lanfang's majestic position quickly came to Mei Baojiu's ears like a swift wind. At that time, Mei Baojiu's emotions had been stirred to the extreme, his eyes widened angrily, his chest rose and fell violently, and the items in his hands were mercilessly smashed on the ground, with a bang.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

It's really hard to imagine that a person with no professional background dares to be pretentious and on a par with his father Mei Lanfang, this kind of disregard for dignity and arrogance is simply laughable! Mei Baojiu's anger was like a volcanic eruption, his face distorted with anger, his eyes swept around, thinking about how to punish these ignorant and arrogant fellows with the most severe means.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Baojiu personally found the program team and strictly demanded that they must be strictly censored, and strictly prohibit those ignorant clowns from blaspheming the quintessence of the country in the name of Peking Opera.

As a result, the two artists, who originally studied from the same school and admired each other, instantly turned into incompatible enemies. Director Chen Kaige's original plan to invite Li Yugang to join the "Mei Lanfang" movie also came to naught.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

Since then, the rift between Li Yugang and Mei Baojiu has deepened, and the contradictions are difficult to reconcile.

Part 5: Mei Baojiu left the table angrily in anger, and failed to forgive Li Yugang's ridiculous behavior until the end of her life

In order to salvage the deteriorating trend of their relationship, a director generously arranged for them to perform on the same stage, hoping to provide an opportunity to resolve the conflict.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

However, just when the director's words had not yet landed, Mei Baojiu, who was sitting in the audience, suddenly became angry. His eyebrows twitched wildly, his face turned pale, his hands clenched tightly, and his chest rose and fell rapidly, as if he would suffocate at any moment.

Mei Baojiu was so angry that his whole body trembled, he suddenly threw away the microphone in his hand, and left angrily without looking back, making the atmosphere of the scene instantly solidify into cold frost.

Li Yugang undoubtedly completely angered Mei Baojiu this time, causing the relationship between the two, which had fallen to the freezing point, to fall into an irreparable abyss again. Mei Baojiu's anger towards Li Yugang has reached an indescribable level.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

Since then, industry peers have also come forward and strongly accused Li Yugang of ignorance and recklessness.

Let's ask, if everyone can hum a few words of opera and claim to be the representative of the Mei faction, then what is the lifelong effort of Mei Lanfang and Mr. Mei Baojiu? If Li Yugang is allowed to indulge himself so much, I am afraid that the authentic inheritance of Peking Opera will face the danger of being interrupted.

Therefore, Li Yugang's arrogant behavior naturally aroused the extreme anger of Mr. Mei Baojiu, and at the same time offended the entire pear orchard world.

Li Yugang fell off the altar? Single-handedly offended the entire Peking Opera circle? Mei Baojiu did not forgive until she died

Unfortunately, until the moment of Mei Baojiu's death, Li Yugang still failed to express his sincere apologies to her. For this gentleman, this is undoubtedly a huge flaw and regret in life! What is shocking is that Mei Baojiu has never been able to wait for Li Yugang's late apology all her life.

It can be seen from this that he attaches great importance to the family business passed down from his ancestors, and his strong condemnation and intolerable attitude towards Li Yugang's behavior that violates moral norms.

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