
Anita Mui has a crush, wants to marry Guan Zhilin, and kisses Maggie Cheung, how romantic are Andy Lau's other sides?

author:Love to talk about life like crazy
{"info":{"title":{"content":"梅艳芳暗恋、想娶关之琳、拥吻张曼玉,刘德华的别的面有多风流?","en":"Anita Mui has a crush, wants to marry Guan Zhilin, and kisses Maggie Cheung, how romantic are Andy Lau's other sides?"},"description":{"content":"一、简要回顾刘德华璀璨的演艺生涯,并引出其与众多女性之间错综复杂的情感纠葛昔日,香港娱乐圈雄踞一席的\"四大天王\"无疑是无...","en":"1. A brief review of Andy Lau's brilliant acting career, and the intricate emotional entanglements between him and many women in the past, the \"Four Heavenly Kings\" in the Hong Kong entertainment industry are undoubtedly unsuccessful..."}},"items":[]}