
obviously looks average, but she has to play a stunning beauty, who gives these female stars the confidence

author:Love to talk about life like crazy
{"info":{"title":{"content":"明明长得一般,却非要演绝色美女,这几位女明星到底是谁给的自信","en":"obviously looks average, but she has to play a stunning beauty, who gives these female stars the confidence"},"description":{"content":"一、频繁出现的质疑声,观众对于女星饰演绝世佳人角色的审美观失真感到深深的厌恶和愤怒随着当代娱乐业的繁荣发展,观众对女明星...","en":"1. Frequent doubts, the audience feels deep disgust and anger at the aesthetic distortion of the actress playing the role of a peerless beauty."}},"items":[]}