
Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

author:Ancient and modern miscellaneous talks
Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

There is a good saying: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it".

This sentence is like a wake-up call for the people of our time.

Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

The more you show off, the easier it is to arouse the jealousy and resentment of others, and the easier it is to lose what you are showing off.

As a human being, there is really no need to show off anything.

What we have is the gift of all things in heaven and earth, and we are all lucky.

Showing off and showing off will only invite unnecessary trouble and retribution.

You might think, what's the point of showing it off?

But, have you ever thought that showing off is like hanging a sword on the wall, and while it looks cool, it is actually full of dangers.

The more you show off, the easier it is to lose, and the more flamboyant you are, the more you suffer.

On the contrary, people who are low-key and humble tend to be more respected and loved.

Because they understand that there is nothing to show off in life.

Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

They know that the more low-key they are, the more noble they appear, and the more humble they are, the more blessed they are.

Showing off is a shovel that digs a hole for yourself

As the saying goes, "a gun shoots a bird", this is not groundless.

Imagine that when you post the latest luxury car in your circle of friends, or talk about your overseas luxury house at a party, you think that this is a show of strength, but in fact, you are invisibly labeling yourself as "come and be jealous of me".

Show off your wealth and beware of thieves; Show-off begets malicious comparisons; Xuan status may be squeezed by "small shoes" tomorrow.

No, even the pearls of nature understand this truth, once it begins to dislike the shells that silently guard it and show off its light, the end is buried in the sea of sand, and no one cares.

Be on one's high horse? It's better to meditate and practice

The Monkey King in "Journey to the West" has a lot of ability, but he was almost planted in the pit of showing off.

After learning the seventy-two changes, his first reaction was not to cultivate internal strength, but to be eager to show off in front of his senior brothers.

Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

The result? was educated by Bodhi Ancestor and left directly.

This tells us that even if you are really a "monkey Sailei", don't forget that keeping a low profile is the last word for survival.

As soon as the madness is harvested, wisdom is born naturally, which is what is said in the "Lengyan Sutra" "madness pauses, and the rest is Bodhi"!

Humility is the crown of invisibility

Guess what the real masters usually do?

They may be right next to you, wearing a regular t-shirt and riding a shared bike, with an unbelievably low profile.

is like Mr. Ji Xianlin, a master of Chinese studies, but he is willing to look after the luggage for a freshman in the hot summer, without the slightest shelf.

Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

There is also Xu Yuanchong, an old urchin in the translation industry, who is still working in the translation industry at the age of 90, facing the camera, smiling like a child, without the arrogance of a master.

What does this mean? The more promising people are, the more they understand the power of humility. As the old saying goes, "The earth is low to the sea, and the man is low to be king".

The real low-key is the confidence of strength

The two giants of physics, Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking, one focuses on nuclear research and the other explores the mysteries of the universe, but they have one thing in common - they are too low-key to talk.

Qian Xuesen dressed plainly, as if his world only had a laboratory; As for Stephen Hawking, even though his fame is resounding in the sky, he still says that he "knows too little".

Their humility, on the contrary, made them shine in their respective fields and became legends.

True wisdom lies not in telling others how much you have, but in how much you do.

The Tibetan saying, "The fool often preaches his knowledge, and the poor like to show off his wealth", is actually a reminder that true wealth and wisdom do not need to be publicized.

Not superstition! The more you show off something, the more you lose something?

So, the next time you want to do something, you might as well ask yourself, is this self-affirmation, or is it digging a hole for yourself?

Remember, keeping a low profile is not only a kind of cultivation, but also a high-level philosophy of life.