
"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

author:Good luck comes with you

As the old saying goes: "Those who lose their wives will not have a lot of money, and those who are foolish and filial will not have a good time." This seems like a bit of old folk wisdom, but it has been tried and tested in real life. Let's talk about the meaning of this proverb first.

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

Imagine if a man is stingy with his wife and is reluctant to give her the care and warmth she deserves, it is like planting a barren seed, and it will be difficult for the tree of wealth to take root and sprout at home. A wife is the haven of the family, and her smile and contentment are the source of our wealth. If you treat her badly, you have treated the foundation of your family, how can you expect the mountains of gold and silver to roll in?

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

Let's look at the other half of the sentence, "Fools and filial piety are not going well". Filial piety is respect for elders, but blind filial piety, ignoring one's own life and responsibilities, becomes a blind compromise and sacrifice. This kind of person is like a machine that only knows how to rush forward, with no ego and no direction, and will only hit his head and bleed in the end. Filial piety is love, not debt, and excessive payment will make family affection heavy and make life out of balance.

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

Think of those successful entrepreneurs who often have a virtuous wife behind them who is silently supported. And those who have harmonious families and successful careers often know how to take care of their small families while being filial to their parents. They understand that filial piety and family harmony do not conflict but complement each other.

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

As the old saying goes, "Home and everything prospers." This is still true in modern society. The harmony between husband and wife and the education of children all need to be managed by our hearts. A wife is not a burden to us, but a noble person for us, she can make us understand the temperature of life, and can also let us find strength in difficulties.

Look at those wise filial sons, they know how to pay attention to their own development while fulfilling their filial piety, so that filial piety becomes a wise choice, rather than blindly following. Such filial piety not only reflects respect for the elders, but also allows oneself to be comfortable in life.

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic

So, friends, no matter how the times change, these ancient wisdoms are still worth pondering. Remember, a man who treats his wife badly may not have a good fortune. Blind and filial sons, life may be bumpy. Let us live out our wisdom while inheriting traditional culture, so that the happiness of our family and the success of our career go hand in hand.

I hope this article resonates with everyone, if you think it makes sense, you might as well forward it to your friends and let them think about it. After all, home and everything is prosperous, this is our common pursuit. Looking forward to your likes and comments, let's explore how to find that balance between tradition and modernity.

"Those who lose their wives will not get rich, and those who are foolish and filial will not go well", which seems to be feudal superstition, but it is actually very realistic