
With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

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Is the decision of the US House of Representatives to support Israel's military aid genuinely supported or a game of political power?

The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress has been on fire lately!

They are not debating social security bills or tax policies, but they are deciding whether to continue to support Israel's military aid.

Don't think it's just a political farce, but there are a series of complex entanglements of interests and political games behind it.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

Undercurrents: political struggles and differences of position

This decision of the US House of Representatives is really a big move, and it is not only a simple legislative issue, but also involves a major adjustment of the US Government's foreign policy, and at the same time reflects the contest between different political forces in the country.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

The Biden administration is trying to redefine the role of the United States in international affairs, hoping to solve some global problems through diplomatic means, such as climate change and international security.

The House of Representatives took tough action at this critical juncture, even at the cost of clashing with UN Security Council resolutions.

There are several key factors behind this.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

First of all, some members of the House of Representatives do not agree with the foreign policy of the Biden administration, believing that the United States should take a tougher stance to safeguard national interests.

These lawmakers tend to be Republicans, but there are also some Democrats who want to show their independence and hardline stance to voters in order to garner more support in future elections.

Second, this kind of action is also closely related to the political struggle in the United States.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

The Biden administration has encountered a lot of resistance on some domestic issues, such as economic policy and immigration issues.

This behavior by the House of Representatives can be seen as putting pressure on the government to force the Biden administration to make concessions on a number of issues.

The opposite: skepticism and criticism from the international community

This time the decision of the US Congress caused controversy around the world, especially in the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

The situation there is tense, with tens of thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands injured.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

The United States has always supported Israel, and this support has been criticized for fueling Israeli military operations in Gaza, in stark contrast to the ceasefire called for by the international community.

Congress's decision is actually seen as a departure from the voice of the international community, especially as the humanitarian crisis intensifies.

Many countries and international organizations have called for a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Palestine and for a peaceful solution.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

But U.S. support seems to have exacerbated the conflict to some extent, exacerbating the situation.

This has also led to questioning and criticism of US foreign policy.

Some believe that the United States is too biased in favor of Israel and ignores the rights and humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

This approach not only runs counter to the consensus of the international community, but also affects the image and status of the United States in the world.

White House Response: Weighing and Prudent Foreign Policy

In the face of the passage of the House of Representatives, the White House is not helpless.

They said that even if the Senate passes the bill, the Biden administration will exercise its veto power to prevent the bill from becoming law.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

This shows the Biden administration's caution and trade-offs in foreign affairs.

They believed that the bill could adversely affect U.S. foreign policy, so they decided to take action to stop it.

It also highlights the divisions and struggles within the U.S. government.

Between Congress and the White House, there are differing views and interests on foreign policy issues.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

The White House wants to safeguard its national interests through a prudent foreign policy and avoid a serious conflict with the international community.

But some members of Congress may be more inclined to take a tougher stance as a show of American strength and resolve.

Conclusion: Game of Thrones and Moral Torture

This series of political wrestling and diplomatic games seems to be just a "politically correct" performance, but behind it is the life and death and interests of countless people.

Whether it is to support Israel's "political correctness" or to care about humanitarianism's "just position" is a question worthy of our deep thought.

With 224 votes to 187, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill not allowing Biden to stop military aid to Israel, without concealment

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