
The blind date woman has to pay for the man after eating

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Dajun, five out of fifty this year, my wife passed away at an early age, and my children have also started a family, and it is idle to live alone. But my heart is always empty. No, my neighbor, Sister Wang, had to introduce me to a partner, saying that when a woman is old, there is no one around to take care of her?

On the day we met, I put on the new clothes my son bought for me, and my hair was deliberately combed. When I arrived at the agreed restaurant, I saw a woman dressed in fashion at a glance, and Sister Wang gave me a look, which meant that it was her.

"Dajun, this is my friend Xiaoli, you two have a good chat today." Sister Wang enthusiastically introduced.

I hurriedly stretched out my hand: "Hello, Xiaoli, it's nice to meet you." ”

Xiaoli smiled slightly, shook my hand, that hand was soft, I secretly rejoiced in my heart, it seems that there is a play today.

The dishes were all served, and we chatted while eating. Xiaoli said that she has been divorced for many years, and her children are older, and she wants to find someone who knows cold and hot to spend her old age with. I thought it was a good fit, so I asked her what she liked to do.

"I love traveling, shopping, and occasionally getting a beauty treatment." Xiaoli said it lightly.

I listened to the drum in my heart, this hobby is not small, I don't know if I can cope with this pension. But after thinking about it, men, you have to be generous, so I agreed to go shopping with her.

The meal was quite pleasant, but when it came time to settle the bill, Xiaoli suddenly said, "Dajun, you have a treat today, right?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, and said in my heart how could this woman be so direct, but I was embarrassed to refuse, so I had to nod: "Yes, I will invite this meal." ”

Xiaoli smiled slightly, picked up the bag and said, "Then I'm welcome, I'll invite you another day." ”

Out of the restaurant, I sighed secretly, this blind date really made me happy and worried. However, since he agreed to accompany her shopping, he had to talk and count. So, I took Xiaoli to the mall on the weekend.

It doesn't matter if you go shopping, the clothes, shoes, and cosmetics that Xiaoli likes are all high-end goods. I looked at the price and trembled, but I couldn't say anything, so I had to pay the bill.

After shopping for a long time, Xiaoli finally smiled with satisfaction: "Dajun, thank you today, next time I will invite you to dinner." ”

I smiled wryly and nodded, thinking to myself next time? Will I dare next time?

When I got home in the evening, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong, this woman couldn't be fancy to my money, right? I hesitated, can this marriage continue?

Just thinking about it, Sister Wang called: "Dajun, Xiaoli has a good impression of you, what do you think?" ”

I sighed: "Sister Wang, this woman spends too much money and spends too much, I can't bear it." ”

Sister Wang smiled: "Dajun, you misunderstood. Xiaoli thinks you are generous, so she tests you. She told me that as long as you are good to her, she will be good to you. ”

When I heard this, I had mixed feelings. This woman really makes me happy and makes me sad. However, since she said so, I can't be too stingy. So, I decided to give her another chance.

In this way, Xiaoli and I began our journey of getting along. Although she still spends a lot of money, I found that she also prepared gifts for my birthday and took care of me when I was sick. Perhaps, she is really a person who deserves my attention.

The days passed like this, and I gradually got used to Xiaoli's existence. And she has become more and more considerate, and we support each other to spend our old age together. Perhaps, this is what people often call fate.

In the following days, Xiaoli proposed that she wanted to go to the surrounding cities to relax, I hesitated, and finally agreed to her. After all, life always needs a little freshness, and I want to know more about her.

On the day of departure, the sky was drizzling, and Xiaoli was wearing a light blue dress, which looked fresh and refined. I drove her into the distance, and the scenery outside the window was like a moving picture.

"Dajun, do you think we are eloping like this?" Xiaoli suddenly asked me with a smile.

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Well, it's kind of like." However, at our age, it should be the sunset red version of elopement. ”

When Xiaoli heard this, she giggled, and the laughter was like a spring breeze blowing across the lake, which made people feel refreshed.

We found a picturesque B&B to stay, and in the evening, we sat on the balcony, looked at the starry sky, and talked about each other's past. Xiaoli told me that she used to be a dancer when she was younger, but she had to give up the stage because of an accident injury. As I listened to her story, I couldn't help but feel a lot of respect for her.

The next day, we hung out in a small local town. Xiaoli suddenly pulled me into a gold shop, and when I saw it, my heart was beating, this place is very expensive. Sure enough, Xiaoli took a fancy to a gold necklace, which cost a lot of money.

"Dajun, is this pretty?" Xiaoli asked me with the necklace.

I snapped it and said, "Looks good, it's perfect for you." ”

Xiaoli nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the clerk, "Help me wrap it up." ”

I was about to pay the money, but Xiaoli stopped me: "Dajun, let me pay the bill this time." In the past, you invited me, but this time I will invite you. ”

I looked at her in surprise, and Xiaoli smiled slightly: "I'm not the kind of person who only values money, in fact, I've been testing you." You've been so nice to me, and of course I'm going to be nice to you. ”

At that moment, a stone in my heart finally landed. It turns out that Xiaoli is not the kind of woman I imagined, she just wants to find someone who is really good to her.

Since then, our relationship has become even closer. We traveled together, participated in various activities together, and life was full of laughter. Although Xiaoli's expenses are still not small, she also knows how to save for me, and our lives are becoming more and more harmonious.

One day, Xiaoli suddenly said to me: "Dajun, we are not young anymore, do you think we need to get a certificate?" ”

I looked at her, and a warm current surged in my heart: "Xiaoli, as long as you are willing, of course I am willing." ”

Xiaoli smiled, and that smile was like the spring sunshine, warm and bright. We simply had a wedding in that town, and although there was no extravagant pomp, the happiness and sweetness overflowed our hearts.

The years are like a song, and we have walked through countless days hand in hand. Although there are still ups and downs in life, we all firmly believe that as long as we join hands with each other, we can get through the ups and downs together and come to the end of the day. And this journey will also become the best memory in our hearts.

As the days passed, we supported each other and faced all kinds of life together. Xiaoli's dancing skills will be displayed in the living room of her home from time to time, and whenever she dances, I seem to see her when she is young, and my heart is full of joy and pride.

One day, Xiaoli received a phone call from a friend from her former dance troupe. On the other end of the phone, her friend excitedly told her that the dance troupe was planning to hold a commemorative performance and hoped she would attend. After Xiaoli hung up the phone, a complicated expression appeared on her face.

"Army, they invited me to the show." Xiaoli's eyes flashed with longing.

I took her hand, smiled and said, "That's a good thing, you should go." Your dance is so beautiful that it should be seen by more people. ”

Xiaoli looked at me, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes: "But I haven't danced for many years, and I'm worried that I can't do it anymore." ”

I gently patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I trust you." You can. ”

In order to prepare for this performance, Xiaoli practiced hard every day. I saw it in my eyes, it hurt in my heart, but I was also happy for her. Finally, the day of the show has arrived.

That day, I accompanied Xiaoli to the theater. The backstage was busy, and I watched Xiaoli change into dance clothes and put on makeup, as if she had returned to the appearance of her youth. At the beginning of the performance, when Xiaoli walked on the stage, all eyes were on her. As the music sounded, Xiaoli danced elegantly, every movement was so in place and so moving.

At the end of the performance, the audience erupted in applause. I looked at Xiaoli who was smiling brightly on the stage, and my heart was full of pride. On the way home, Xiaoli held my hand tightly and said with emotion: "Dajun, thank you, you let me get back to my former self." ”

I smiled and responded, "Fool, do we still need to say thank you?" ”

With the passage of time, our lives have become more colorful. Xiaoli sometimes helps teach in dance troupes, and I also participate in some community activities. We're all doing our own way to make life more meaningful.

One day, our son called us and said that he was going to take his grandson back to visit his family. Hearing the news, Xiaoli and I were both excited. We got busy and got ready for their arrival.

Finally, the son and grandson appeared at the exit of the airport. Xiaoli hugged her grandson tightly, tears rolling in her eyes. I looked at them with emotion. At this moment, I understood that no matter how many ups and downs life brings us, as long as we are together as a family, it is the greatest happiness.

As the years go by, our hair gradually turns silver, but our hearts are still young. Xiaoli and I, we have walked hand in hand through spring, summer, autumn and winter, leaving countless precious memories. And this journey continues, and our story continues. It's just that the story here no longer needs words to describe, because it has been deeply engraved in our hearts.

The return of our sons and grandsons to visit our families has made our lives more lively. Every day, the house is full of laughter, and the lively and cute appearance of my grandson makes Xiaoli and I feel extremely happy.

"Dajun, you see, the little guy learns things really fast, he has learned so much in just a few days." Xiaoli looked at her grandson with a happy smile on her face.

I looked at their grandparents and grandchildren, and I felt extremely satisfied. During this time, I often take my grandson to the park to play, teach him to play football, and teach him to ride a bicycle. Watching him grow up by my side day by day, I seem to see the shadow of my own youth.

"Dajun, you take him to play, and I'll cook." Xiaoli said to me with a smile.

I nodded, and watched as Xiaoli walked into the kitchen, my heart full of gratitude. During this time, Xiaoli not only took care of me, but also took care of her son and grandson. I knew she must have been tired, but she never complained.

"Grandpa, let's go play football!" My grandson took my hand and said excitedly.

I smiled and nodded, and took my grandson to the park. In the park, the sun is shining and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. We found an open space and started playing football. Although his grandson is young, he is very serious about kicking the ball, and every time he scores a goal, he jumps up with joy and shouts "Score!" ”

Just then, a figure ran past us and caught my attention. It was a young girl who was dressed in a sportswear and had long flowing hair and looked vibrant.

"Dad, look, that sister is so beautiful!" The grandson pointed to the girl and said curiously.

I looked at the girl and secretly admired it in my heart. She looks young and should be about the same age as our grandson. I remembered what Xiaoli looked like when she was young, and I couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Time flies, we are all old, and the world is still young.

"Dad, let's go play with my sister!" My grandson took my hand and said excitedly.

I hesitated, then nodded. We followed the girl to a lawn where she was playing with a group of children. When she saw us, she came over with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Xiaofang, are you here to play?" Xiao Fang asked with a smile.

I nodded and introduced myself and my grandson. Xiao Fang's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"Wow, it turns out that you are the grandfather of the army! I heard my grandmother mention you, and she said you were a football player when you were younger! Xiaofang said excitedly.

I smiled, feeling a hint of relief in my heart. It turns out that in this world, there are still people talking about the story of my youth.

"Sister Xiaofang, can you teach me to play football?" The grandson took Xiaofang's hand and asked innocently.

Xiaofang smiled and nodded, and then took her grandson to play football together. I looked at them with joy in my heart. At this moment, I seemed to see myself when I was young, and I also saw the future of my grandson.

As the years go by, our hair gradually turns silver, but our hearts are still young. Xiaoli and I, we have walked hand in hand through spring, summer, autumn and winter, leaving countless precious memories. And this journey continues, and our story continues. It's just that the story here no longer needs words to describe, because it has been deeply engraved in our hearts.