
Save my sister from lung cancer, my brother gave everything he had, and he couldn't cry after his sister died

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Dajun, and I have an older sister named Chunhua at home. Chunhua is five years older than me and has been my umbrella since I was a child. But just last year, Chunhua was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering the peaceful life of our family.

In order to treat Chunhua, I did everything I could, quit my job, and took her around to seek medical treatment. Whenever I see Chunhua being tormented by illness, I feel so distressed that I can't breathe. I always held her hand and told her, "Sister, you must hold on, we will definitely find a cure." ”

One day, I heard that there was an old Chinese medicine doctor in a neighboring village who specialized in treating incurable diseases, so I took Chunhua to seek medical treatment. The old Chinese medicine doctor looked at Chunhua's condition and sighed: "Lung cancer is in the advanced stage, and it is indeed tricky. But I can try, but it's not cheap. ”

I didn't say a word, I took out all the savings in my family, and just begged the old Chinese medicine doctor to save the life of Chunhua. During that time, I accompanied Chunhua to boil medicine and acupuncture, and never gave up. However, the condition did not go as we wished, and Chunhua's body became weaker and weaker.

Just when we were about to give up, the old Chinese medicine doctor told us that there was an herb that might save the life of Chunhua. But this herb grows deep in the mountains and old forests, and it is extremely difficult to find. I didn't hesitate to pack my bags and decided to go in search of this herb.

Before leaving, Chunhua took my hand and said with tears in her eyes: "Dajun, don't go, my sister is not worthy of you." I smiled and wiped away her tears: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely find herbs to cure you." ”

After many hardships, I finally found that herb deep in the mountains. However, the moment I got home, Haruka had closed her eyes forever. I was so grief-stricken that I hugged Chunhua's corpse and wept silently.

After dealing with the aftermath of Chunhua, I returned to the village. The people in the village urged me to mourn and change, but I couldn't get out of the shadow of losing the spring flowers. Until one day, I met a girl named Ah Xiang.

Ah Xiang is a warm-hearted girl, she sees that I am depressed, so she often comes to talk to me. With her company, I gradually came out of the grief of losing spring flowers. We started talking about the future, talking about life. Ah Xiang said: "Dajun, you have to learn to cherish the people in front of you, the spring flowers are in the spirit of the sky, and I also hope that you can live happily." ”

Just as we were about to spend the rest of our lives together, an unexpected news came: the old Chinese medicine doctor was arrested by the police for using illegal herbal medicines. It turned out that his so-called "special medicine" was ineffective at all, but worsened Chunhua's condition. I angrily asked him for a theory, but I was gagged by his words: "Do you think your sister's illness is really curable?" ”

I was stunned, yes, Chunhua's advanced lung cancer is already lacking in surgery. I was too naïve to think that my efforts would save her life. I returned home dejected, holding the picture of the spring flowers, and burst into tears.

Ah Xiang walked up to me gently and comforted me: "Dajun, don't be sad, the spring flowers are in the spirit of the sky, I don't want to see you like this." I raised my head and looked at Ah Xiang's concerned eyes, and a warm current surged in my heart.

I know that life has to go on, and I want to live bravely for the sake of Chunhua and Ah Xiang. Chunhua, you are in the spirit of heaven, don't worry, I will live a good life and no longer let you worry about it.

Since then, I have spent the rest of my life with Ah Xiang with the blessing of spring flowers. We support each other, move forward hand in hand, and no longer fear any wind and rain on the road of life. And spring flowers will always live in our hearts and become the driving force for us to move forward.

The days passed like water, and Ah Xiang became a bright light in my life. Her smile, warm and sincere, made me gradually forget the pain of losing spring flowers. We run a few acres of thin fields at home together, and although our lives are hard, our hearts are full of sweetness.

One day, an elder in the village came to me and said, "Dajun, there seems to be something underneath your field. I looked at him suspiciously, and the elder continued, "I learned a little bit of Feng Shui when I was young, and I felt that the land was not ordinary. ”

I discussed it with Ah Xiang and decided to hire someone to explore it. Unexpectedly, this digging actually dug an ancient well. The ancient well is crystal clear, and the well water still seems to have a faint luster. People in the village say that this well has spirituality, and perhaps it is the spirit of spring flowers in the sky that blesses us.

After the news spread, someone wanted to pay a high price for the well. But after discussing with Ah Xiang, I decided that this well was our family's blessed land, and we couldn't sell it. We decided to donate the well water to our neighbors in the village so that everyone could share the blessing together.

One day, an old man in ragged clothes came to my house, and he looked at the well with tears in his eyes. He told me that many years ago, his wife died of illness, leaving him alone. He heard that the water from the well had miraculous properties, so he begged all the way here, hoping to find a well of water to relieve his thoughts.

I was deeply moved by the old man's story and handed him a bowl of well water with my own hands. The old man took the bowl, took a sip carefully, and immediately burst into tears: "Thank you, I feel her presence, she is in this well water, just like she cared for me back then." ”

Ah Xiang and I looked at each other and smiled, and we understood that this well is not only a thought left to us by Chunhua, but also a bond of emotions between people.

Over time, my small courtyard became a gathering place for people in the village. Everyone sat around the well, talking about family life, sharing joys, sorrows, and sorrows. Ah Xiang and I will also tell the story of the spring flower by the well, so that her spirit will be passed on forever.

One day, the principal of the primary school in the village approached me, hoping to use the well as a teaching material to teach the children about gratitude and dedication. I readily agreed, and personally told the children the story of the spring flowers and the magic of this well.

After telling the story, a child raised his hand and asked, "Uncle Dajun, is Aunt Chunhua happy in heaven?" I looked at the sky, and a warm current surged in my heart: "Aunt Chunhua is watching us in heaven, she must be very happy." Because she knows that we are all caring for others with love, which is her greatest wish. ”

After hearing this, the children nodded their heads one after another, saying that they wanted to learn from Aunt Chunhua and be a caring person. I looked at their innocent smiling faces, and silently thanked Chunhua in my heart, she made us understand the true meaning of life, and she made our village full of love and hope.

In this way, Ah Xiang and I, with the blessing of spring flowers, lived a life full of love and warmth with the villagers. And this well has become an eternal symbol in our hearts, witnessing our friendship with spring flowers, and witnessing the inheritance of love and hope.

As the days passed, the party by the well became a sight to behold in the village. When night falls and the stars are lit up, everyone sits around the well, talking and laughing. Ah Xiang and I have become the backbone of this big family, we share the bits and pieces of life, and we also listen to everyone's stories.

One day, an elderly grandmother came to me with an old piece of cloth and said, "Dajun, this is Chunhua's favorite handkerchief when I was a child, I have always kept it, and now I want to put it by the well, so that the spirit of Chunhua will always be clear and pure, just like this well water." ”

I took the handkerchief, the pattern on it was blurred, but the traces of time made people feel warm. I carefully placed it on the stone platform next to the well, where many small objects brought by the villagers were already placed, each of which carried their memories and love for the spring flowers.

Ah Xiang walked over and said softly: "Dajun, you see, although Chunhua has left us, her spirit has always accompanied us. I nodded, filled with emotion.

At this moment, a young villager came running excitedly and announced loudly: "Good news for everyone, the county is going to build a new road, which happens to pass through our village, and our life will change greatly in the future!" "The villagers were talking, some excited, some worried.

I looked at Ah Xiang, and a hint of worry flashed in her eyes. I knew what she was worried about, and this peaceful little village was about to face new challenges and changes. I held her hand and whispered, "Ah Xiang, no matter how the outside world changes, the innocence and kindness in our hearts cannot change. ”

Ah Xiang nodded, holding my hand tightly, and we faced the new life that was about to come together.

Soon after, the construction team moved into the village, and in the dust, my well became a safe haven in everyone's hearts. Whenever they are tired, the villagers will come to the well and drink a sip of cool well water, as if spring flowers are around them, giving them strength.

One day, a worker stumbled upon a handkerchief by the well, and he asked curiously, "Whose handkerchief is this?" I told him, "This is Chunhua's handkerchief, she is our relative and the spiritual pillar of this village." After hearing this, the workers were silent for a moment, and then said: "We will be careful not to destroy every plant or tree here." ”

In this way, the days passed in busyness and change. The new road was repaired and the village had a new look. But the well, the handkerchief, is still quietly guarding there, witnessing the passage of time and the immortality of the spirit of Chunhua.

Ah Xiang and I still tell the story of spring flowers by the well every day, so that everyone who comes here can feel love and warmth. The children play by the well, the old people rest by the well, and the well, like the eyes of spring flowers, is always clear and full of hope.

I know that if Chunhua has a spirit in the sky, she will definitely be proud of our village. Because what she left behind is not only a well, but also an eternal spiritual wealth, so that everyone has learned to cherish, care and inherit. And this wealth will accompany us through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.

With the opening of the new road, the village welcomed more and more outsiders. Among them are merchants, tourists, and strangers of all kinds. The village is bustling with shops and restaurants popping up like never before.

However, this change also brings new problems and challenges. Some unscrupulous traders began to flood the village, they used shoddy goods, deceived tourists, and even some unscrupulous people mixed in, making the security situation in the village tense.

Faced with this situation, Ah Xiang and I are deeply worried. We know that the development of the village cannot be done at the expense of the villagers. Therefore, we decided to stand up and maintain the order of the village and the rights and interests of the villagers.

We organized some enthusiastic villagers and set up a "Spring Flower Volunteer Team". We patrol the village every day to warn tourists of fraud and to monitor vendors to ensure they operate with integrity.

One day, while on patrol, we spotted a vendor who was using false advertisements to deceive tourists. We immediately stepped forward to stop it and revealed the truth to the tourists. When the vendor saw this, he was so angry that he did something to us.

At that moment, a figure rushed out of the crowd and blocked us. It was the worker, he waved his fist and shouted: "If you dare to bully the people of Chunhua Village, you are bullying me!" ”

His appearance stunned the vendors, and the surrounding tourists also gathered around, accusing the vendors of illegal behavior. Eventually, the vendors were pressured to apologize and leave the village.

After this incident, our "Spring Flower Volunteer Team" became famous. More and more villagers have joined our team to maintain the harmony and beauty of the village.

However, new problems have arisen. As the village prospered, some young people began to yearn for city life, leaving the village in search of the wider world. This worries us, and we are worried that the traditional culture of the village and the spirit of spring flowers will gradually disappear because of this.

In order to solve this problem, Ah Xiang and I decided to open a "Spring Flower School" in the village to teach the children in the village traditional crafts and the story of spring flowers. In this way, we hope that the younger generation will understand and pass on the culture of the village, so that they can understand that no matter where they go, they must never forget their roots.

The opening of the school was warmly welcomed by the villagers. Many parents are willing to send their children to school. In the school, children can not only learn traditional crafts, but also listen to the story of spring flowers and feel the spirit of spring flowers.

Over time, the village has maintained its harmony and beauty in the midst of change. And that well is still quietly guarding there, witnessing the passage of time and the immortality of the spirit of spring flowers.

Ah Xiang and I still tell the story of spring flowers by the well every day, so that everyone who comes here can feel love and warmth. The children play by the well, the old people rest by the well, and the well, like the eyes of spring flowers, is always clear and full of hope.

I know that if Chunhua has a spirit in the sky, she will definitely be proud of our village. Because what she left behind is not only a well, but also an eternal spiritual wealth, so that everyone has learned to cherish, care and inherit. And this wealth will accompany us through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.