
The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

author:A new voice in society

When it comes to the former Soviet Union, I believe many people will still be a little in awe, this country was one of the former powers of the earth, and the United States on the other side of the world competed with each other for the sole hegemony.

During the period from the 40s to the 90s of the last century, there was a protracted Cold War between the capitalist camp led by the United States and the socialist camp represented by the Soviet Union.

It was precisely in this arms contest that the aerospace industry developed rapidly through the large amount of national strength instilled by the United States and the Soviet Union, and mankind entered outer space for the first time, landed on the moon for the first time, and even had its own artificial satellite.

However, the scientific research work in the aerospace industry is actually accompanied by certain risks, and in this arms contest, many astronauts have sacrificed their precious lives for the motherland, and such sacrifices are sometimes very heroic, and sometimes they are full of regrets.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

Vigorously develop aerospace

In the 50s of the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union, which had already entered the Cold War, did not collide head-on again for a long time, but whether it was the Soviet Union, which was growing stronger, or the United States, which won the crown of the earth's hegemony due to World War II, they always knew very well in their hearts that the other side was their biggest enemy at the moment.

Especially in terms of ideology, the United States, a capitalist country, and the Soviet Union, a socialist country, can be said to be inseparable from each other, so both sides are waiting for an opportunity to widen the gap in military strength with the other.

Later, a series of open and covert battles, such as the War between the North and the South Koreas and the Vietnam War, were also staged, and the two sides strategized and fought through "proxy wars".

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

However, there is a way that the general trend of the world will be divided for a long time, and the world is gradually ushering in a golden age of peaceful development, and these battlefield battles are not a long-term plan after all, and if you want to catch up with each other in an all-round way, you should have a skill worth boasting about, so the two sides have naturally never fallen behind in the development of science and technology.

With the improvement of the level of science and technology, some new things are also quietly born, such as rockets, which are unheard of spacecraft, have been created by intelligent human beings, and it is precisely because of the invention of rockets that human beings suddenly found that it seems to be possible to enter outer space.

The United States and the Soviet Union surprisingly shared the same opinion on this matter, and they jointly believed that the future of mankind lies in the vast universe, and as long as they preemptively seize air supremacy in outer space, they can become a veritable world hegemon.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

As a result, the focus of scientific research of the two countries has quietly changed, and more and more financial resources have been poured into aerospace vehicles.

In 1961, the first successful space journey into outer space in human history began, and the Soviet cosmonaut named Gagarin was sent into outer space on the "Vostok 1" rocket, creating countless firsts in human history.

You chase me in the moon landing operation

Seeing such tremendous progress in scientific research in the Soviet Union, it is conceivable that the United States could not sit still at all, and they were intensively manipulating other space programs, such as the Apollo program, which came out at this time.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

Eventually, Apollo 11 carried Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon in 1969, leaving the first human footprints on the lunar surface and planting the American flag on the moon.

From Konstantin's proof of the possibility of a rocket flying out of the earth to the successful landing of the United States on the moon, it took only more than 40 years, which is too short for the entire history.

Therefore, there are still people in the world who firmly believe that Armstrong and others' moon landing was actually carried out in a studio, and no matter how such a series of conspiracy theories is, all in all, this feat of the United States is so shocking to everyone.

So what was the USSR doing in the same period? Why did they say nothing in the face of such exciting news as the successful landing of the United States on the moon, and how far has the Soviet space flight level progressed at this moment?

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

In fact, during the same period, the Soviet Union also had its own moon landing program, and a series of previous actions were also made for the moon landing, but it was in these foreshadowing work that the Soviet Union encountered several unprecedented crises, which eventually led to the indefinite postponement of the moon landing goal.

Soyuz-1 and Soyuz-2 were the pawns sent by the Soviet Union to find a plan to land on the moon, according to the Soviet Union's plan at that time, the two spacecraft would fly into space in the form of one after the other, and each of them would arrange an astronaut to wait until the two spacecraft docked successfully in the sky, and then let the two return to Earth together in the same spacecraft. The plan seemed to be full of highlights, and the Soviet government was confident in it.

In particular, the Soviets also found a very important date to realize this plan, that is, the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution in the Soviet Union, and in order to catch up with this tribute action, there was a kind of impetuousness among the scientific research team, and this sentiment also infected the person in charge of the project.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

It is precisely because of their later eagerness for quick success that they contributed to a tragedy in the history of human spaceflight, and it was also the first astronaut sacrifice incident.

Astronauts who died generously

mentioned the Soyuz-1 and Soyuz-2 pairs of vehicles, and the cosmonauts of Soyuz-1 are a man named Ladimir Komarov, in addition to Komarov, Soyuz-1 has also prepared Gagarin, a veteran cosmonaut who has previously gone into space for the first time, as an alternate member.

Komarov himself has been working in the aerospace field for many years, and he has also made certain achievements in aerospace engineering, and he can also understand some technical problems.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

While Soyuz-1 was in full swing of preparations, Komarov and his fellow engineers instinctively foresaw the hidden danger in the plan, and they spent a lot of time investigating Soyuz-1 before launch, and in the end, a total of 203 faults were found in it.

To that end, the engineers wrote a 10-page report that was very detailed, and in summary, according to which Soyuz-1 should and should not have been able to lift off.

However, the Soviet leaders turned a blind eye to the efforts to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution, perhaps because the numerous previous achievements had given the Soviets unprecedented self-confidence, or because they were dismissive of these glitches.

In the end, Komarov was still asked to go to space with Soyuz-1, and even more, the leader warned Komarov that if he did not go, he would be deprived of all military honors that belonged to him.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

Even if Komarov was out of the operation, Gagarin would have played as a substitute cosmonaut, so Komarov actually had no way out, and the tough guy finally chose to protect his comrade-in-arms Gagarin and went to his own battlefield, and on the last night before leaving, he even cried bitterly.

However, his fate may have been sealed, and after the Soyuz-1 ascended into space, due to the failure of one solar panel, it fell into a lack of power supply, and finally fell before it could leave the atmosphere.

It is conceivable that Komarov lost his life in this accident, due to the friction of the air from the high-altitude fall, the aircraft burned shortly after it fell, and when it fell to the ground, the entire aircraft had been burned to the ground, and Komarov was also turned into a piece of charcoal, and only one leg bone was preserved.

The Soviet spacecraft was launched with 203 faults, and the astronauts wept bitterly before leaving, and only the leg bones remained after returning

This flight crash was undoubtedly tragic, and because of this, the Soviet Union's space industry was temporarily suspended, and there was a scene where the United States took the lead in successfully landing on the moon.

Brief summary:

This accident was the first astronaut death in the history of human spaceflight, and the Soviet Union's space industry also fell into a state of stagnation for a short time, and even the United States later suffered the same crisis of spacecraft crash.

Scientific research is accompanied by certain dangers after all, and while enjoying the luxurious life brought by science and technology, we must not forget these people who selflessly sacrificed their lives for the development of science, and it is with them that human history will become more brilliant.