
's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

author:Strawberry says entertainment

Zhang Keying, a woman born in an acting family, her mother Zhang Kaili is famous in the film and television industry for her superb acting skills, and her father Zhang Jianquan is also a leader in the business world. According to common sense, she should live in the care of everyone and live a carefree life like a "rich daughter".

However, what is amazing is that Zhang Keying's enthusiasm and dedication to art are far beyond ordinary people.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

In childhood, whenever the TV screen played a film and television masterpiece starring her mother Zhang Kaili, Zhang Keying would always watch it with full attention. In 1990, her mother created the image of the heroine Liu Huifang in the popular TV series "Desire", at that time, Zhang Kaili was in her youth, bright and moving, shining on the screen, and won the warm love of the audience.

Whenever she sees this TV series, Xiao Keying is always deeply attracted by her mother's elegant and skillful performance, she will sing softly along with the opening song, and even imitate her mother's lines and movements.

Once, when her mother came home from work, she was surprised to find that her daughter was writing, directing and acting by herself, interpreting the classic clips in "Desire" vividly.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Since then, she has accompanied Keying every day to practice basic skills such as singing and acting.

Despite his busy schedule, Zhang still finds time to compose songs for his daughter and share the joy of art with the family. Under the influence of such a strong artistic atmosphere, Zhang Keying's love for art has become more and more intense, and she is determined to become an outstanding artist.

However, what is different is that Zhang Keying did not choose to rely on her parents' resources in the entertainment industry, but firmly decided to start from the grassroots and create her own brilliant life with her own hands.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

In her view, art is a sacred existence that needs to be cherished with awe, and only by relying on her unremitting efforts and strong strength can she achieve real achievements on this path.

Since she was a child, Zhang Keying often heard the people around her sigh: "You are so lucky to have such parents, you were born with a golden key!" However, she never became complacent because of this, but strengthened her beliefs.

On the contrary, she is more keen to chase her dreams with her own hands, rather than relying on the prestige of her parents. As a result, an unprecedented fighting spirit burned in her heart, and she set up a firm belief and decided to start struggling from the grassroots level, and gradually rely on her own strength to step onto the stage of life.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Secondly, struggle and persistence

When the smoke of the college entrance examination was washed away, many choices were displayed in front of Zhang Keying. Not only did she choose to study at the Drama Academy in Beijing, but she was also warmly invited by the Shanghai Theatre Academy, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

For many people, it may be wiser to choose a school that is closer to their hometown. However, Zhang Keying has a unique idea, she has a heart that yearns for freedom and has the courage to challenge.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

In the end, she resolutely chose to leave the familiar environment and stepped into the distant Hong Kong alone, opening a new chapter in her life.

When she first arrived at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Zhang Keying quickly integrated into the rhythm of life here. She devoted herself to her studies and made full use of her spare time to practice crazy training in basic skills such as singing and dancing.

While others are immersed in the pleasures of shopping and leisure, she closes herself in a small room and focuses on honing her voice; While others gathered to speak freely, she danced alone in the empty classroom, practicing every movement over and over again.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Zhang Keying is full of admiration and love for art, and regards it as a sacrosanct field. In her eyes, art is not child's play, but a noble cause that requires a lifetime of in-depth study.

It is precisely because of this dedication and love that she can study so hard and not slacken.

Soon after, Zhang Keying's hard work at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts paid off abundantly. In her first year of school, she had the privilege of performing the opera "Semele" and the musical "Pippin", and her outstanding performances won unanimous praise from the audience.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

In addition, she was invited to sing the theme song of the movie "The King of Comedy" at the Hong Kong International Youth Music Festival, and her exquisite skills shocked the audience. With her excellent academic performance, Zhang Keying was awarded a scholarship of up to HK$80,000 by the school, which is undoubtedly the best reward for her unremitting efforts.

However, in this favorable situation, Zhang Keying faced a new challenge - she learned Mandarin since she was a child, and after coming to the Cantonese-speaking environment of Hong Kong, the language barrier became a problem on her way forward.

She began to ponder deeply, and perhaps by using a more standard Mandarin rendition, she could show a better artistic talent. After a long and in-depth thinking, Zhang Keying showed firm courage and made a very adventurous decision: she decided to give up her studies and carefully plan for her future acting career.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

This decision not only required great determination, but also a great deal of anxiety, and she feared that this decision might cause the other three aspiring universities to no longer accept her, however, in order to realize her precious inner dream, she decided to break the boat and fight against the water.

Less than two years have passed, and Zhang Keying still maintains a deep foundation in Mandarin. She began more than a month of intense preparations, and was fully prepared for the upcoming "road to study".

She is full of confidence in herself and firmly believes that one day she will be able to show her talents in the purest Mandarin and shine on the stage.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

3. Re-examination

As expected, when the results of the college entrance examination were announced, Zhang Keying was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the proud results of the first place in the cultural class! This is the best testimony of her sticking to her dream and bravely setting sail again.

August 24, 2017 is an important moment for new students of Chinese opera to register. Zhang Kaili drove the car and sent her daughter to the school gate with great excitement. Before leaving, the mother and daughter also talked softly, looked at each other and smiled.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

"Mother, please rest assured, I will do my best!" Zhang Keying's eyes flashed with determination.

"Good boy, mother believes in you." Zhang Kaili nodded in response with a smile, although her tone was flat, her eyes were full of love and expectation.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Keying walked into the campus with her assistant and opened a new chapter in her life. She is no longer the young and ignorant "little girl", but an "adult" who has embarked on a career.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

After stepping into the school of her dreams, Zhang Keying devoted herself to learning. Years of diligent study have enabled her to master exquisite stage performance skills and a solid theoretical foundation.

She actively learns from the valuable experience of the outstanding teachers of the School of Drama, and constantly tempers herself in practice, laying a solid foundation for her future career development.

College time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Keying has transformed from a student to a professional actor. With her otherworldly talent and solid foundation, she quickly rose to prominence and gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

On the stage and screen, Zhang Keying relied on her excellent performance skills to conquer the audience! Her incomparable enthusiasm and persistent pursuit of her career, as well as her heartfelt feelings as an artist, have won her endless praise in the industry.

It is precisely because of this that she finally struggled to get rid of the identity label of the "second generation of stars" and was promoted to the ranks of "powerful faction".

Fourth, the dream set sail

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Since stepping into the door of Chinese opera, Zhang Keying's journey towards her career has quietly started. After struggle and tempering, she has an eye-catching stage performance and profound academic attainments, which undoubtedly paves a solid foundation for her to steadily move forward in the entertainment industry in the future.

After graduation, Zhang Keying is like a white lotus washed by a lake, unique and wonderful in the bustling entertainment industry. Her virtuosity makes each performance shine brightly, presenting a feast for the eyes and ears of the audience.

Whether it is a stage play or a film or television production, she is fully engaged, giving each character in the script a unique understanding and interpretation.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

In addition to this, she also has a pure love and deep respect for her career. This unwavering pursuit of art has earned him much praise in the industry throughout his acting career.

In an instant, Zhang Keying became famous and became a well-known "powerful" actor. She successfully got rid of the label of "second generation star" and proved that she is a real artist with her own strength.

Every time she appears in the public eye, Zhang Keying can always easily control the whole audience, and the typhoon is charming and radiant. Watching her revel in the sea of art, soaring freely, the hardships of chasing her dreams in the past have long been nowhere to be found.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

She seems to have been born with talent, standing on the bright stage and blooming her own brilliance.

Fifth, look back on the original intention

Looking back on the difficult years of the past, Zhang Keying has no regrets about her choice. From childhood to adulthood, she has been exposed to it, and people around her are telling her: "You are naturally beautiful and rich, and you are so lucky to have such excellent parents."

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

According to common sense, she should have lived a life like a "rich daughter" who grew up with a golden soup spoon.

However, Zhang's experience is unique. Despite being born into a family of acting artists, she was not arrogant or arrogant because of this. On the contrary, she is keen to forge her dreams with her own hands, rather than relying too much on her family's seniority and influence in the entertainment industry.

As she herself puts it, "Art is a majestic and sublime realm that needs to be cherished with great reverence".

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

It turns out that real talent shines wherever they are. Zhang Keying, with his rich life experience, vividly interprets this wise saying. She had the opportunity to use her parents' resources in the entertainment industry to achieve success easily, but she chose to start from scratch, be down-to-earth, and forge ahead on the road of art with her own efforts.

It is this firm belief in her dreams and dedication to her career that has enabled Zhang Keying to overcome many difficulties and continue to climb to the pinnacle of art. She has gradually grown from a little-known "second generation star" to a well-known "powerful" actor, winning the double glory of her career and future.

Looking back on the hardships she had paid in the past to realize her dreams, Zhang Keying was full of emotion. She once gave up the admission letter of a well-known university in Beijing and went to Hong Kong alone; She also decisively decided to drop out of school and devote herself to the journey of "entrance examination" again; She even put down her body, started from the most basic work, and moved towards success step by step...... It is this perseverance and unremitting efforts that finally helped her realize her dream and stand on the top of her own stage.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

6. Message of encouragement

Zhang Keying's inspirational story sets a new example for us in life: everyone should be brave enough to chase their dreams, not bound by reality, and never give up.

Growing up in such a superior family environment, Zhang Keying could have easily relied on her parents' resources in the entertainment industry to live a carefree life as a "rich daughter". However, she chose to take a different path, preferring to start with the basics, work hard with her own hands, and finally succeed with her exquisite skills and outstanding talent.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Her story is a profound illustration of the wise saying "gold shines wherever it is". No one is born ordinary, as long as you have dreams in your heart and move forward bravely, you will definitely be able to find a broad road to success.

On the mountain of books, diligence is undoubtedly a shortcut to success; In the vast and boundless sea of learning, the spirit of perseverance is the square boat that crosses people. Zhang Keying, with her own outstanding life history, has given these two ancient proverbs a fresh vitality.

She resolutely gave up the admission letter from a well-known university in Beijing and went to Hong Kong to pursue her dream. She also bravely chose to drop out of school and once again plunged into the fierce competition for "entrance examinations"; She has always held a very high respect for art, and started from scratch in the most simple way, step by step...... It is this unremitting effort and firm perseverance that enabled her to finally realize her dream and become a high-profile "powerful" actor.

's mother is Zhang Kaili, and her father is an investor, so she should be pampered, and she would rather start from the bottom

Heaven rewards hard work, this is an eternal truth. Zhang Keying, the once unknown "second generation star", has now transformed into a well-known artist, winning both career and future.

With her own practical actions, she shows us the profound meaning of this eternal truth.

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