
The U.S. drone was shot down, and the White House said it would not respond, and the U.S. military was worried that the drone would fall into Iranian hands

author:Lost victory
{"info":{"title":{"content":"美国无人机被击落,白宫表示不回应,美军担心无人机落到伊朗手里","en":"The U.S. drone was shot down, and the White House said it would not respond, and the U.S. military was worried that the drone would fall into Iranian hands"},"description":{"content":"文案|失去的胜利编辑|失去的胜利美国“MQ-9”无人机及驱逐舰相继遭到胡塞武装袭击。美国对此选择沉默。胡塞武装威胁攻击前...","en":"Copywriting|Lost VictoryEdit|Lost VictoryThe US \"MQ-9\" drone and destroyer were attacked by the Houthis one after another. The United States has chosen to remain silent. The Houthis threatened to attack before..."}},"items":[]}