
Fan Sizhen is 'fat' out of the circle! The prince's tone exploded! The male god of Beijing flavor in "Celebrating More Than Years 2"!

author:Lost victory
{"info":{"title":{"content":"范思辙'胖'出圈了!皇子京腔爆了!《庆余年2》里的京味儿男神!","en":"Fan Sizhen is 'fat' out of the circle! The prince's tone exploded! The male god of Beijing flavor in \"Celebrating More Than Years 2\"!"},"description":{"content":"文案|失去的胜利编辑|失去的胜利范思辙在《庆余年2》中形象变化引发关注,尤其是体重增加成为话题。网友调侃他是否把保养理解...","en":"Copywriting|Lost Victory Editor|Lost Victory Fan Sizhe's image change in \"Celebrating More Than Years 2\" has attracted attention, especially weight gain has become a topic. Netizens ridiculed him for whether he understood maintenance..."}},"items":[]}