
The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

author:Observer's Diary

Singapore ushered in a new prime minister, and Lawrence Wong took over to open a new chapter

With the resignation of then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong coming into effect on 15 May, an era has quietly come to an end, and Singapore's political scene has ushered in a new protagonist.

Under Lee Hsien Loong's 20-year leadership, Singapore has achieved remarkable results, with its population growing by more than 42% and assets under management growing by an astonishing eightfold.

During this period, Singapore's per capita GDP also soared from S$46,600 to S$113,700, accumulating a rich economic foundation for the country.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's outstanding leadership and deep understanding of the country's economy have earned him a reputation as Singapore's economic strategist and a respected and loved person.

The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

His departure from office undoubtedly marks an important turning point in Singapore's political history, and a new era is about to begin. At this moment, Singapore is at a historical crossroads. In the nearly 60 years since independence, 45 of them have been gradually developed and strengthened under the leadership of the Li family.

However, the arrival of a new prime minister, Lawrence Wong, has broken with this tradition. As the second non-Lee family prime minister since the founding of Singapore, Lawrence Wong's appointment has undoubtedly injected new vitality and expectations into Singapore's politics.

Wong's succession has attracted much attention at home and abroad.

This transfer of power is not only a new attempt for Singapore, but also an unknown challenge.

There is widespread concern about whether Lawrence Wong will be able to stabilize Singapore's momentum and even push the country to a higher level after Lee Hsien Loong steps down.

In his inaugural speech, Lawrence Wong first expressed his respect and gratitude to former Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He praised Lee Hsien Loong as a "mentor" and thanked him for his careful guidance, support and encouragement over the years.

The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

This warm and sincere statement not only demonstrated Wong's humility and respect, but also laid a good foundation for a smooth transition in Singapore's politics.

Speaking about the future policy direction, Lawrence Wong emphasised the importance of working with all parties and pledged to serve Singapore's interests.

He made special mention of Sino-US relations and expressed the hope that relations between the two countries would remain stable. Lawrence Wong made it clear that despite the differences between China and the United States, Singapore will continue to maintain engagement and communication with both sides.

This statement not only demonstrates Singapore's neutral position in international affairs, but also demonstrates Wong's deep insight and pragmatic attitude towards the international situation.

It is worth mentioning that in his inaugural speech, Lawrence Wong deliberately used Chinese in addition to Malay and English.

This move not only reflects his respect and tolerance for Singapore's multiculturalism, but also sends a positive signal to the outside world that Singapore will continue to maintain an open and pluralistic attitude, and welcomes exchanges and cooperation with Singapore.

The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

During his tenure as Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong dealt with China on several occasions and publicly expressed his desire to strengthen ties between China and Singapore. He questioned certain US policies toward China, believing that these measures are not conducive to world peace and stability. This view not only demonstrates his international vision and strategic vision, but also sets the tone for Singapore's future foreign policy.

Huang Xuncai also warned the United States not to underestimate the enterprising spirit of the Chinese people and the tremendous motivation and vitality of the Chinese people. This statement not only reflects his in-depth understanding of China, but also demonstrates the importance and expectation he attaches to China-New Zealand relations.

It is foreseeable that during Lawrence Wong's tenure, Singapore's China policy will continue to remain stable and friendly, laying a solid foundation for the in-depth development of bilateral relations.

Regarding the Chinese Foreign Ministry's response to the new premier, spokesperson Wang Wenbin warmly congratulated him at a regular press conference and thanked Lawrence Wong for his long-term support for China-Singapore cooperation.

Wang Wenbin hopes that under the leadership of Lawrence Wong, China-New Zealand relations will reach a new level and make greater contributions to regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

This response not only reflects China's respect and support for Singapore's new prime minister, but also points out the direction for the future development of bilateral relations.

The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

Against the backdrop of the ever-changing international situation and the increasingly obvious trend of multipolarization, the relationship between China and Singapore is also constantly advancing.

Whether it is in the economic, trade, people-to-people or other fields, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have reached new heights.

During the reign of Lawrence Wong, we have reason to believe that China-New Zealand relations will once again reach a new level, laying a solid foundation for the development of the two countries.

In addition, the appointment of Lawrence Wong has also brought a series of new atmospheres worth paying attention to.

He proposed a series of policy initiatives and reforms aimed at driving Singapore's economic, social and technological development.

These initiatives not only demonstrate Wong's leadership and vision, but also inject new impetus and vitality into Singapore's future development.

The Lee Hsien Loong era ended, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and China's attitude towards China was exposed, and China's response came

Under Lawrence Wong's leadership, Singapore is expected to maintain its leading position in the global competition.

His appointment marks the dawn of a new era in Singapore's politics, one that will be full of opportunities and challenges.

However, under the leadership of Lawrence Wong, we have reason to believe that Singapore will be able to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges to continue to write a glorious chapter in its history.

Overall, the inauguration of Singapore's new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong is a historic moment.

His succession has not only brought new vitality and expectations to Singapore's politics, but also laid a solid foundation for the in-depth development of China-Singapore relations.

In the years to come, we look forward to Singapore's continued stability and development under the leadership of Lawrence Wong, and maintain friendly and cooperative relations with China and other neighboring countries to jointly promote regional prosperity and progress.

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