
A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

"Mom, I'm 15 years old, why haven't I had my period yet?

I'm the only girl in my class who hasn't come to my aunt yet, am I having a physical problem? ”

"Can there be any problems, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Xiaoli's mother thought about it carefully, her daughter is so old and has no menstruation, it is really not right.

So, Xiaoli's mother came to my clinic with her in a hurry.

Doctor: "Look at my daughter, she's 15 years old, why hasn't she had her period yet?" "

Mom asked eagerly.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

"Xiaoli, don't worry, we'll give you a comprehensive examination first."

After a series of meticulous examinations, I found that Xiaoli's physical development was normal and there were no organic diseases.

However, when I examined her reproductive organs, I found a problem - Xiaoli's vaginal opening was covered by a thin film, forming a closed vaginal loop.

I explained, "Xiaoli, your condition is called vaginal atresia, which is a congenital abnormality of the reproductive system.

To put it simply, it means that your vaginal opening does not open properly, causing menstrual blood to not flow out.

Xiaoli's mother turned pale after hearing this, and she grabbed Xiaoli's hand tightly, her eyes full of worry and fear.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

What is vaginal atresia?

In the female reproductive system, the vagina is a vital passage that connects the outside world to the inside of the uterus.

However, some women are born with this passage not developing as expected, resulting in a partially or completely blocked vagina, like a garden closed by a locked door.

This condition is known as vaginal atresia.

Vaginal atresia can be caused by a variety of causes, including genetic factors, abnormal hormone levels, or disturbances during embryonic development.

Whatever the cause, the result is that women are unable to bleed through their normal menstrual periods and even have sex in adulthood.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

What is the difference between vaginal atresia and normal women?

Vaginal atresia, which is a medical term that sounds strange and confusing, but in reality, it describes a developmental abnormality of the female reproductive system.

Imagine that in a girl's body, there should be a passage to the uterus - the vagina, but it seems to be locked by an invisible lock that cannot be opened.

This is the visual manifestation of vaginal atresia.

In contrast, a normal woman's vagina is an open and vibrant space, which is not only a passage for menstrual blood, but also a place where new life may be conceived in the future.

The healthy development of a woman's vagina is the basis for the normal functioning of their physiological functions.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

This condition is significantly different from the normal female reproductive system, mainly in the following aspects:


In the case of vaginal atresia, a woman's vagina may be completely absent or present as a small blind tube.

In normal women, the vagina is a complete conduit that connects the vulva to the cervix.

Physiological Functions:

Women with vaginal atresia are unable to perform normal menstrual bleeding due to the absence or incompleteness of the vagina.

Whereas, the menstrual cycle of a normal woman is a natural physiological process regulated by the endocrine system.

Sexual Ability:

Women with vaginal atresia are unable to have sex without treatment because the absence of vaginal passage makes it impossible to penetrate the penis.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

Normal women, on the other hand, are able to participate in sexual activity normally.


While vaginal atresia may not directly affect a woman's fertility because the egg can still enter the uterus through the fallopian tubes, without treatment, pregnancy and delivery will not take place because the fetus cannot be born through a non-existent vaginal passage.

Psychological effects:

Vaginal atresia can have a significant impact on a woman's mental health, including aspects of self-identity, self-esteem, and relationships. Normal women don't usually face these psychological challenges.

Can vaginal atresia be treated?

While not having a vagina can be a big inconvenience in life, it doesn't mean it's intractable.

Advances in modern medicine have provided hope for these girls.

A 15-year-old girl doesn't have a period, what the hell is going on? What is the difference between normal women and normal women?

They can have surgery to reconstruct their vagina and live a normal life.

Of course, this requires them to have enough courage and confidence to face the surgery and rehabilitation process.

In addition to physical treatment, psychological adjustment is also very important.

Girls who do not have a vagina need to receive psychological counseling to help them build self-confidence and overcome low self-esteem and anxiety.

At the same time, they also need the support and understanding of their families and friends, so that they can feel warm and cared for.


Women with vaginal atresia are just one example.

It is a congenital embryonic disease with a low prevalence and can only be treated with surgery, with a low chance of natural pregnancy.

If you have such a patient around, you should treat it normally and do not wear tinted glasses.