
A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

Not long ago, a little girl Xiaoyue came to the hospital, and she came to our hospital because she suddenly had a high fever.

"Oh, you're high in white blood cells, how do you eat it?"

After a series of detailed examinations, the doctor's face solemnly told them a bolt from the blue - Xiaoyue suffered from leukemia!

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue!

Xiaoyue's parents are usually busy with work, so Xiaoyue is brought by her grandfather.

We asked Grandpa: What kind of food do you usually give Xiaoyue to eat?

Through inquiry, I found out that Xiaoyue's leukemia was related to her usual diet!

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

Grandpa said that he couldn't cook, and usually both grandparents would go to restaurants outside to eat, and sometimes they would order some takeout at home.

When it comes to Xiao Yue, she especially likes to eat fried food, such as fried chicken, burgers and carbonated drinks.

Grandpa said that he was a granddaughter of Xiaoyue, and as long as the granddaughter wanted to eat, grandpa would be satisfied.

As everyone knows, the spoiling has developed into this situation.

Grandpa sat in the corner of the hospital room, his head in his hands, tears running down his wrinkles.

He muttered to himself: "I hurt her, I am the one who feeds her so much junk food every day!" ”

Xiaoyue's incident can't help but make us creepy, and it makes us start to think deeply.

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

You may think that eating these has anything to do with leukemia?

I'm telling you, the relationship is big.

First of all, these unhealthy things can cause our immune system to function less when consumed.

If the immune system isn't working properly, it may not be able to effectively recognize and remove abnormally proliferated white blood cells.

If it persists for a long time, it can develop into leukemia.

Additives and preservatives in food are also harmful to the body when ingested for a long time.

Symptoms of leukemia

One of the common symptoms in the early stages of leukemia is fever.

This fever may be constant or intermittent and may be accompanied by chills and sweating.

Patients may have recurrent high fevers, which do not go away with some medicine like a cold.

This kind of fever, the body temperature is generally not very high, but it just persists, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

In addition, fever may be accompanied by malaise, weakness, due to a decrease in normal blood cells produced by the bone marrow, leading to anemia and other related symptoms.

What are the hidden health risks behind modern eating habits?

In this colorful world of food, junk food is like a group of "invisible killers" dressed in gorgeous clothes.

They lurk quietly in our lives, tempting us with their tantalizing tastes and aromas.

We often mistakenly think that as long as we don't overdo it, it doesn't hurt to eat a little junk food once in a while.

However, this is far from the case!

1. High-sugar foods: sweet "traps"

Foods high in sugar can be the "invisible killer" of health.

These seemingly delicious desserts and drinks are actually the "hardest hit areas" of sugar.

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

Excessive sugar intake not only increases the risk of obesity, but also causes damage to pancreatic islet function, which increases the chances of developing diabetes.

Diabetes is the "danger companion" of leukemia, and the interaction between the two can make the condition more severe.

2. Processed Foods: A Hidden "Time Bomb"

In addition to foods high in sugar, processed foods are also a health hazard.

These foods often contain various additives, preservatives, and artificial colors, and long-term high intake can cause a serious burden on the body.

Some of these chemicals have even been suspected to be linked to the development of cancer.

As a malignant disease, the occurrence of leukemia is often closely related to environmental pollution, chemical exposure and other factors.

3. Fast food: the price of speed

In the fast-paced modern life, fast food has become the first choice for many people.

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day

But you know what?

Fast food is not only lacking in nutrients, but it is also often high in calories, fat, and salt.

This unbalanced diet can lead to overnutrition or deficiencies, which can increase the risk of various chronic diseases.

As a wasting disease, leukemia has extremely high nutritional requirements for patients.

Therefore, maintaining a good nutritional status is essential to fight off disease.

4. Barbecue and pickled foods: the "crisis" behind the deliciousness

Barbecued and pickled foods are delicious and tempting, but they are also health hazards.

Carcinogens produced during the barbecue process, as well as nitrites in pickled foods, may increase the risk of cancer if ingested over a long period of time.

As a malignant disease, the occurrence of leukemia is often closely related to environmental pollution, chemical exposure and other factors.

Therefore, we should minimize the intake of such foods to reduce the risk of disease.

A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia, and her grandfather blamed herself: she couldn't bear the iron blood vessels when she ate it every day


Xiaoyue's story reminds us of the importance of healthy eating habits to prevent disease.

Modern eating habits and lifestyles have indeed brought us a lot of convenience and enjoyment.

But we also can't ignore the health risks they can pose.

Let's start now by choosing healthier, more natural foods, ditching the "invisible killers" and building a solid foundation for our health.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle is our most valuable asset!

What do you think about leukemia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!