
Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

author:Entertainment swishs

On the streets of Nanjing, Jiangsu, an elderly man drank a little too much and staggered on the side of the road while riding a bicycle. A young man passing by did not hesitate to rush forward to help. This was originally out of good intentions, but I didn't expect to fall into an unprovoked dispute next.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

After receiving the news, the family members of the old man rushed to the scene in a hurry, and came up indiscriminately to demand compensation from the man. This man is also wronged, he obviously did a good deed, but he was regarded as the perpetrator.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

Fortunately, the man was smart, and the whole video left ironclad evidence. But the old man's son just didn't look at it, insisted that it was him, and insisted on compensation. After the traffic police arrived at the scene, they quickly retrieved the surveillance video on the side of the road, and asked the passers-by next to them, and the facts were clear at a glance, the old man fell down while riding a bicycle after drinking, and it had nothing to do with the kind-hearted man's half a dime. The traffic police also did an alcohol test on the old man on the spot, and the results proved that the old man had indeed drunk a lot.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

As soon as this incident came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone thinks that the family of the elderly is too much. But there are many good things, and after media reports and heated discussions, the old man's son realized his mistake. They reflected on their actions and expressed their apologies and thanks to the man. The family said they had made a wrong judgment because of emotions and misunderstandings.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

Hot comments from netizens

At first glance, I am afraid of being cyberbullied, and I apologize for fear of being suspicious of the employer, and the apology is not sincere, or it may be that I have fallen, whether I have fallen and I don't know?

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

It was only after media reports, public attention, and video evidence that the family realized the problem, but what if it didn't have that?

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

It's not that he's wrong, he's just scared.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

If you succeed in taking money, if you fail, you apologize, and you will be profitable.

Subsequent! Helped up the old man who fell down and apologized to his family, netizens: If you succeed in getting money, you will apologize if you fail

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