
I went to live at my daughter's house for half a month, and my son-in-law took a rag and wiped the floor next to my feet, and I left the next day


The warmth of the half moon and the back of the turn

My name is Li Xiufen, I am 65 years old this year, and I live in a small county town in Anhui. All my life, I have worked hard for my children, especially my daughter Xiaohui, who is the treasure of my heart. Xiaohui married in the city, and her son-in-law Xiaojie is an honest and responsible child, and she also respects me, my mother-in-law.

I have always felt that my daughter marrying well is the greatest pride in my life. However, as I got older, I felt more and more lonely. The children have their own lives, my wife has left early, and I am the only one left in the family. Sometimes, I miss Xiaohui, the way she was coquettish in my arms when she was a child, and the tearful smile she had on the day she got married.

That day, I received a call from Xiaohui, and she said, "Mom, how are you doing lately?" If you don't come and stay with me for a few days, I can cook for you and have a chat. "When I heard my daughter's invitation, my heart warmed and I immediately agreed.

The next day, I packed a few changes of clothes and got on the bus to the city. Along the way, I was imagining the scene of meeting Xiaohui and imagining her surprised expression when she saw me.

When I arrived at my daughter's house, Xiaohui and Xiaojie were waiting for me at the door. As soon as we met, Xiaohui jumped up and hugged me, with tears in her eyes and said, "Mom, you're here, I miss you." Xiaojie also smiled and said, "Mom, you're welcome." ”

I went to live at my daughter's house for half a month, and my son-in-law took a rag and wiped the floor next to my feet, and I left the next day

When I entered the door, I found that my daughter's house was well organized, and everything seemed so warm. Xiaohui was busy pouring water for me, and Xiaojie was busy putting the luggage I had brought into the room. I looked around and felt both familiar and strange in my heart, this was my daughter's home and my home, but I also felt like a guest.

For the next few days, Xiaohui and Xiaojie took good care of me. Xiaohui will cook food for me every day, chat with me, and listen to me talk about those old things. Although Xiaojie doesn't talk much, he always cares about me silently, for example, he will quietly bring me a cup of hot tea while I am watching TV; He would deliberately slow down and accompany me for a walk in the evening.

One day, I was watching TV in the living room, and Jay was mopping the floor. He took the rag and carefully walked around me as he wiped the floor. When I saw his movements, I felt a little uncomfortable. I knew he was respecting me, but I also felt a sense of distance. It dawned on me that although this was my daughter's home, it wasn't my home after all.

That night, I lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. I think back to the days when my wife was alive, when we were not rich, but we had a happy life every day. I remembered the little yard in my hometown, where I planted flowers and plants, and the puppy that always circled around me. I suddenly realized that what I really missed was not only my daughter, but also my own life.

The next morning, I decided to leave. I told Xiaohui what I thought, and she was surprised at first, and then her eyes turned red. She said, "Mom, do you think we're uncomfortable here?" I shook my head and said, "No, daughter." You and Jay are very nice to me, but I always feel like a guest here. I want to go home, to my own home. ”

Xiaohui listened to my words, was silent for a moment, and then hugged me tightly. She said, "Mom, I understand you. Then you go back and stay for a few days, and when I miss you, I'll go to see you. I nodded, a little sour, but more relieved.

I went to live at my daughter's house for half a month, and my son-in-law took a rag and wiped the floor next to my feet, and I left the next day

On the day I left my daughter's house, Xiaohui and Xiaojie both sent me to the door. I waved goodbye, and the moment I turned around, tears flowed down my eyes. I know, this farewell, I don't know when I'll see you again. But I also understand that everyone has their own path to follow, and I can't shackle my daughter's life just because I miss it.

On the way home, I kept thinking about the bits and pieces of the past half month. Those warm moments, those small cares, will become precious memories in my life. Although I am a little reluctant in my heart, I know that this is the price of growth and love.

When I got home, I started a new life. I reorganized my little yard and planted new flowers. I go for a walk every day and talk to my neighbors. I found that my life could have been so fulfilling and beautiful.

And my daughter Xiaohui often calls me and cares about my life. Although we don't see each other often, our hearts are closer. I know that no matter where we are, the emotional bond between mother and daughter will never be broken.

This is my story, a story about growth, about love, about understanding and inclusion. I hope everyone can understand the difficulties of their families, cherish each other's emotions, and make our lives full of sunshine and warmth.

I went to live at my daughter's house for half a month, and my son-in-law took a rag and wiped the floor next to my feet, and I left the next day

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