
The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

author:Allah Entertainment Chat
The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

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You think it's a big puzzle revealed, but when the truth is finally revealed, you find a big reversal.

The results of the drug test for the big S sisters and Gu Junye are out - you might have guessed it?

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

Their test results showed that they had tranquilizers in their bodies, but there were no signs of drug use.

Isn't that a bit unexpected? It's like a reversal plot in a suspense movie, and people can't stop wanting to know more details.

So, what's going on here? Follow me as I explore and unravel this jaw-dropping puzzle.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

In the entertainment industry, the lives of celebrities have always attracted public attention.

Recently, a series of celebrity drug detection incidents have aroused widespread heated discussions, involving many well-known people such as Big S, Little S, and Gu Junye.

These incidents not only reveal a side of celebrity life, but also trigger the public's in-depth thinking about issues such as drug use, medical privacy, and social public opinion supervision.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

Before exploring this series of events, let's first review the background and the basics.

The drug test results brought about a shocking reversal: the urine and hair tests of Big S, Little S and Gu Junye showed that no drug components were found in their bodies.

Tranquilizers were found in their blood and hair.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

The drugs turned out to be exactly the same as those prescribed in their hospital outpatient clinics, meaning they were taking legal, doctor-prescribed drugs rather than illegal or illegal drugs.

The result is jaw-dropping, like a bizarre puzzle, and one can't help but generate endless curiosity.

Could it be that these stars are just misunderstood? Or is there a more complex truth behind it?

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

Let's dig deeper and unravel this incredible puzzle.

Let's look at the big reversal of drug test results.

The urine and hair test results of Big S, Little S and Gu Junye all showed the same situation: the lack of drug ingredients, and the appearance of tranquilizers.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

This situation raises doubts about the validity of past allegations.

Are they really just being blamed? Or is there a more complex conspiracy behind it?

These questions are like mysteries that challenge the boundaries of our thinking.

What we need to focus on is the discovery of calming drug components.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

The appearance of these drugs does not imply drug use, as they are exactly the same as those prescribed by doctors.

This may mean that Big S, Little S, and Gu Junye are just taking these drugs legally under the doctor's instructions.

But it also raises more questions: Why do they need to take these drugs?

Is there something you don't know? All this makes people curious and eager to unravel the mystery.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

As soon as the results were announced, they immediately sparked various comments and speculations on social media.

Some netizens questioned the past allegations, believing that hair can be detected for a long time once it is contaminated with drugs, so they doubt whether the previous accusations are true.

It has also been suggested that the discovery of the tranquilizer drug component does not imply drug use, perhaps because of other legitimate uses, such as treating conditions such as anxiety or insomnia.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

In addition to the drug test results of Big S, Little S and Gu Junye, Huang Zijiao's revelation incident has also become the key focus of this incident.

Huang Zijiao had shown suicidal tendencies when he broke the news, which aroused widespread public concern and concern.

Later, Aya quickly proved her innocence and dispelled people's doubts about her.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

At the same time, Big S and Little S chose to respond to the accusations by sending a lawyer's letter, but did not take the initiative to conduct drug testing.

This series of reactions and events has further deepened the public's conjecture about the lives and truth of celebrities.

Huang's suicidal tendencies have raised concerns about his mental health, and at the same time, people have begun to question the veracity of his revelations.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

The speed and manner in which Aya proved her innocence also sparked curiosity and made people think about her position and motivations.

And Big S and Little S chose to respond to the accusations through a lawyer's letter instead of actively conducting drug tests, which also made people question and speculate about their behavior.

This series of events is not only about the personal life of the star, but also reflects the public's pursuit of truth and morality.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

People's speculation about the entertainment industry also reflects the public's attention to the image and behavior of celebrities.

The development of these events raises more questions for us: Who is lying? Who was wronged? And what will be the ultimate truth?

In the analysis of the results of drug tests, we found some interesting phenomena.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

The results of drug tests and the discovery of tranquilizers have led to food for thought.

The association of doctor-prescribed drugs with tranquilizers suggests that they may be taking legal medications prescribed by their doctors, rather than drugs or illicit drugs.

The impact of the time frame of hair testing on the results is also worth further studying.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

Some people think that Da S and others have only announced the drug test results now because hair can only be detected within half a year, which has also caused questions and conjectures among netizens.

The reaction of public opinion and the interpretation of speculation are also one of the focuses we need to pay attention to.

Questioning past accusations has led people to question the veracity of the incident, especially in the case of Huang Zijiao's revelations.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

Netizens' doubts about the results announced by Da S and others are also increasing, and some people think that they delay because the hair can only be found within half a year, but more evidence is needed to determine whether this speculation is true.

The different interpretations of the components of the tranquilizer also show the public's diverse understanding and thinking about the life of celebrities.

Let's take a look at Fan Xiaoxuan's case study.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

The limitations of Fan's state in recent years have led to limited understanding of her condition, but it is generally believed that anxiety and insomnia are relatively common in modern society, and the use of tranquilizers is not uncommon.

This case reminds us once again that when evaluating a person's behavior, their personal circumstances and medical needs need to be taken into account.

This series of celebrity drug detection incidents has revealed some truths and conjectures behind the entertainment industry.

The Great Reversal! The results of the drug test of the big S sisters and Gu Junye: there were tranquilizers, no drug use

In entertainment reporting, it has become especially important to convey positive values.

We need to maintain an objective and rational attitude, and at the same time, we must respect the personal privacy and rights of celebrities.

Through reflection on these events, we may be able to better understand and embrace different lifestyles and choices.

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