
Some people don't cherish you once they get you

author:Old dreams say emotion

When we talk about relationships, there will always be people who make our hearts ache – some people who don't cherish once they get you. This phenomenon seems to be everywhere, whether in friendship, love, or the workplace. This behavior makes people feel frustrated and powerless, but it also reflects some complex traits in human nature. Let's dive into this topic together.

Some people don't cherish you once they get you

In relationships, we often encounter people who appear to care for us, but turn away when they really need us. This phenomenon of "not cherishing what you get" often hides some deep-seated psychological factors behind it. Some people may be selfish, they only care about their own interests, and ignore the feelings and contributions of others. Others may lack a sense of responsibility and commitment, and they don't realize that it takes effort and maintenance to maintain relationships. Still others may be in pursuit of novelty and excitement, and will abandon old relationships once they lose interest.

This phenomenon is also vividly manifested in love relationships. Some people take care of you in every way during the pursuit phase, but become indifferent after they settle down; Some people only understand your preciousness after a breakup. This kind of "get or don't cherish" behavior makes people feel chilling, and it also makes people wonder what the real relationship between people is.

Some people don't cherish you once they get you

In the workplace, this phenomenon is also prevalent. Some colleagues offer to show favor when they need your help, but ignore it when you need it; Some bosses are full of praise when you contribute to the company, but show no mercy when you make mistakes. This phenomenon of "what you get is not cherished" not only affects the working atmosphere, but also makes people feel the hypocrisy and fragility of workplace relationships.

How should we deal with this phenomenon? First of all, we need to learn to discern true friends and partners, and not to easily believe in superficial enthusiasm and care. Secondly, we need to establish a sound self-protection mechanism, not to be overly dependent on others, and to remain independent. Most importantly, we need to learn to value ourselves and not sacrifice our dignity and bottom line for the sake of being recognized by others.

Some people don't cherish you once they get you

In interpersonal relationships, some people don't cherish you once they get you, which is a helplessness and a reality. However, we must not lose trust and goodness in humanity because of this. Only by maintaining a kind heart and learning to protect ourselves can we find the happiness and joy that truly belong to us in this complex society. Let's work together to create beautiful relationships and keep the people who truly know how to cherish them.