
Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

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At five o'clock in the morning, the sky outside the window was filled with a hint of fish belly white, and Aunt Wang had already gotten up.

She habitually walked to the living room, wanting to see if her wife, Uncle Li, was still on the sofa.

Ever since Uncle Li turned 50, sleep has become a big problem, often waking up in the middle of the night, and then he can't sleep anymore, so he simply sits on the sofa and watches TV.

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

"Why don't you sleep more?" Aunt Wang looked at Uncle Li's bloodshot eyes distressedly.

"I can't sleep, I think crankily when I close my eyes." Uncle Li shook his head helplessly, "Am I suffering from some disease?" I used to get eight hours of sleep, but now I sleep up to five hours a day, and I don't have energy during the day. ”

Aunt Wang is also worried, is the "8-hour sleep theory" really not applicable to the elderly? What is the best sleep time after the age of 50? She decided to take Uncle Li to the hospital and ask the doctor.

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

At the hospital, Aunt Wang met her neighbor, Aunt Zhang, who was waiting for treatment. Aunt Zhang was a nurse before she retired and knew a lot about medicine.

After listening to Aunt Wang's story, Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "Actually, the '8-hour sleep theory' is just a general suggestion, everyone's sleep needs are different, and the same is true for the elderly. ”

Auntie Zhang explained that as they age, the sleep patterns of older people change, the duration of sleep will be shortened, and the number of times they wake up at night will also increase.

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

This is because older people have reduced melatonin secretion and altered sleep-wake cycles, resulting in reduced sleep quality. [1]

At this time, the door of the consultation room opened, and Uncle Li walked out after seeing the doctor.

The doctor told them that Uncle Lee's condition was common and not necessarily sick, and advised him to adjust his lifestyle and improve his sleep quality.

The doctor gave Uncle Li a few suggestions:

1. Have a regular schedule

Even if you are retired, maintain a regular routine, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. [2]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

2. Exercise moderately

Do moderate physical exercise during the day, but avoid strenuous exercise half an hour before bedtime, and choose soothing exercises such as walking and tai chi. [3]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

3. Create a comfortable sleeping environment

Make sure the bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool, and choose a comfortable mattress and pillow. [4]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

4. Relax before bed

Avoid using electronic devices half an hour before bedtime, listen to soft music, take a hot bath, and relax. [5]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon and evening, which can affect sleep quality. [6]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

6. Don't take too long a nap

Napping can supplement sleep, but the time should not be too long, and it is best to control it within 30 minutes. [7]

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

The doctor also stressed that if Uncle Li persists insomnia and affects his daily life, further tests are needed to rule out the possibility of other diseases.

Aunt Wang and Uncle Li carefully took note of the doctor's advice and decided to adjust their lifestyle according to the doctor's guidance from today onwards. They believe that as long as they persevere, Uncle Lee's sleep problems will definitely improve.

Is the 8-Hour Sleep Theory Reliable? After the age of 50, doctors recommend the best time to sleep

After returning home, Aunt Wang told Aunt Zhang what the doctor said. Aunt Zhang added: "Actually, the reduction of sleep time for the elderly is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the mental state is good during the day and there is no obvious fatigue, there is no need to worry too much." ”

Aunt Wang was relieved at this time, she understood that sleep time is not the only criterion for measuring sleep quality, and the elderly should pay more attention to sleep quality and mental state during the day.


1. National Institute on Aging. (2016). A Good Night's Sleep. Retrieved from

2. Suni, E. (2022). Healthy Sleep Tips. Sleep Foundation. Retrieved from

3. Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Exercise and Sleep. Retrieved from

4. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Sleep tips: 6 steps to better sleep. Retrieved from

5. Harvard Health Publishing. (2020). Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quiet the mind. Retrieved from

6. National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Caffeine and Sleep. Retrieved from

7. National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Napping. Retrieved from

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other