
Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

author:Governor of Akan

The first incident: Nanjing's kind help to the elderly was misunderstood: the son apologized and relieved the embarrassment

Recently, an elderly man in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province fell down while riding a bicycle after drinking, but Mr. Yang, who was kindly rescued, was misunderstood by his family and asked for compensation, which aroused social concern and discussion. Afterwards, the old man's son apologized to Mr. Yang to relieve his embarrassment. According to reports, the incident occurred on Yingtian Street in Nanjing, and Mr. Yang was not the cause of the fall. Despite the twists and turns, the family's apology still reflects human warmth, and justice is finally served. Mr. Yang said that on the premise of protecting himself, he is still willing to lend a hand.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

The second event: the property market policy is loosened again, and the down payment interest rate is lowered to promote the purchase of houses

Recently, the government has announced a series of new policies for the property market, including the abolition of the lower limit on commercial loan interest rates, the reduction of provident fund loan interest rates, and the ratio of down payments for the first and second sets. These policies mean that the threshold for buying a home will be further lowered, providing more benefits for home buyers. First of all, the down payment ratio will be adjusted to a record low, with no less than 15% for the first home and no less than 25% for the second house, which will significantly reduce the financial pressure on the purchase of a house. Secondly, the interest rate of commercial loans and provident fund loans have also been lowered across the board, and the interest rate of the first personal housing loan is as low as 2.35%, which will reduce the repayment pressure of home buyers and promote the active home purchase market. The introduction of these policies will form a "low down payment + low interest rate" housing model, which provides a good development environment for the real estate market, and also helps to promote the destocking of the property market and further promote the recovery of the property market.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

The third incident: Nantong employees were fired for staying in the bathroom for a long time, and the court ruled that the company's actions were legal

Liu, an employee of a circuit company in Nantong, was dismissed by the company for staying in the bathroom frequently and for a long time, and Liu was dissatisfied and demanded compensation. After the trial by the Nantong Tongzhou District People's Court, the company's dismissal was found to be legal and did not support Liu's request. Liu serves as a 5S commissioner of the factory, with a monthly income of about 10,000 yuan. The company found that Liu stayed in the bathroom for a long time and violated the rules and regulations, so it terminated the labor contract. The court found that Liu's behavior was in violation of regulations, and the company's dismissal was legal. The judge pointed out that the employer has the right to formulate rules and regulations and terminate the labor contract in accordance with the law.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

The fourth event: Dongguan urban village renovation project: a new chapter in the rebirth of the city

Recently, the renovation project of Dongguan urban village has attracted much attention, and drone aerial photography has recorded this major process, symbolizing the renewal and rebirth of the city. Through re-planning and construction, these areas will be integrated into the urban development and become valuable resources in the city. The renovation project faces many challenges, including the resettlement of indigenous peoples, resistance to demolition and relocation, and the need to preserve traditional cultural heritage. However, the improvement of living conditions, infrastructure upgrades and public service enhancements after the renovation will bring long-term development opportunities. The transformation of urban villages has also had a significant impact on the surrounding real estate market, adding new listings and easing housing demand, but it has also brought about fluctuations in housing prices and uncertainty in market expectations.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

The fifth event: the government compound of Shitai County, Anhui Province was opened for 60 years, highlighting the image of being close to the people

In the past 60 years, the government compound of Shitai County Government in Anhui Province has no gate or curfew, and it has been open to the public in all directions, which has become a hot topic in the society. This open-mindedness not only shows the government's pro-people image, but also embodies a service concept. The opening of the government compound has been unanimously praised and recognized by netizens, reflecting the close contact and interaction between the government and the people. The county government's measures are not only reflected in the opening of the gates, but also in solving people's livelihood problems, such as renovating public toilets, increasing parking spaces and charging piles, etc., which are closer to people's livelihood and serve people. The opening of the Shitai County Government Compound is not only a pragmatic measure of the local government, but also a symbol of the progress of urban civilization. This spirit of openness is worth learning from other places, and it is hoped that it can serve as an example and contribute to the promotion of good relations between the government and the people.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!

The sixth event: The Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou launched a 1-block 3-piece hair nourishing drink, which is highly sought after

The hair care drink launched by the Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou is very popular and has become the focus of attention of young people. This hair drink is suitable for people with thinning hair, premature graying hair, and thinning hair, and improves hair loss by nourishing the liver and kidneys, and improving hair loss.

Chief Physician Song Xiuzu introduced that the hair nourishing drink was improved on the basis of the original No. 1 hair growth formula in the hospital, and after more than three months of research by the team, a safer formula was refined. Not only does this product work medicantly, but it also eliminates additional side effects, making it suitable for daily consumption.

It is recommended to take a one-month course of treatment, insist on drinking for more than three months, and maintain good lifestyle habits, such as proper aerobic exercise, regular work and rest, healthy diet, etc. At present, the hair care drink is only sold through online channels and can be purchased on the official account of the Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou.

Happened recently! (May 17, 16:39) Six events in the country!