
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date

author:The benevolent are invincible

Woe! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding objects for decades, originally thinking that they would appreciate in value and leave a fortune to their children and grandchildren, but now these objects have been reduced to worthless old objects that no one cares about. Plans don't always keep up with the changes, and a few decades ago these objects were so hot that now almost no one wants to spend money on them, and in another ten or eight years, maybe no one will play with these old objects.

Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date

These plum five-corner coins, which were once rumored to contain gold, caused many people to blindly collect them at high prices in large quantities. Today, everyone has sobered up and no longer believes in these hyped rumors, these plum blossom dimes, their real value is actually five cents, and there can be no more. For personal interest, it's okay to collect a few as a souvenir, but it would be naïve to collect them in large quantities and hope that they will appreciate in value.

Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date

These old porcelain, are folk goods, in the hometown of the countryside in the eighties and nineties of the banquet, we are renting such porcelain and benches eight immortal tables. Now these objects have long been eliminated, no one uses them anymore, they are only a feeling, but they have no collectible value.

Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date

The septuagenarian antique dealer said he had bought the coins from a Qing eunuch at a high price. I took a closer look at the ancient coins, and I didn't recognize them at all. I have been an antique dealer for so many years, but I didn't expect the old man to look away, I guess he was fooled.

Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date
Sorrowful! Septuagenarian antique dealers have been hoarding items for decades, and no one has taken them to date

This hand-carved wooden frame bed in the Qing Dynasty looks very old, and every detail is the artistic creation of the working people. Nowadays, such old objects can only be used as ornaments for decoration, and their prices are not cheap, so most of them are priceless.

There used to be no market for these objects, but now that the capital has receded and no one continues to speculate, it is difficult for anyone to take over. Now only gold is more popular, is it really in response to that sentence, gold in troubled times, collection in prosperous times?