
Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

author:Yan Wuji

Bear children challenge parents' bottom line

Recently, in a video, a little girl started crying and peeing her pants because she couldn't get the noodles on the stove. This situation may have been encountered by many families, and parents have a headache when their children cry and make trouble. After watching this video, I also began to think about this problem of family education. That is to say, this child's crying is actually a test of how we parents deal with it and how to educate our children.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

How should parents deal with their children's crying?

When children cry and make trouble, do parents feel at a loss? To be honest, when children cry, many times they are testing the bottom line of our adults. They thought to themselves, "When I cry, adults will have to satisfy me." "If we adults hear children cry and immediately agree to their request, then the child will think, "Oh, crying is so good, and all problems will be solved when we cry."

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

So we can't get used to them, we have to let them know that crying doesn't solve all problems. Parents, when children cry, we have to hold our breath and not be carried away by their emotions.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

So what can you do to deal with your child's crying? I have a suggestion that is to set clear rules for children, and reward them for doing well, and punish them appropriately for not doing well.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

For example, when children are young, if they want to cry to ask for something, then we let them cry for a while, and then we can talk to them when they are almost crying and their emotions are stable. In this way, the child will slowly understand that crying is useless, and only by talking well can he achieve his goal.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

The balancing act of homeschooling

Educating children in the family and setting rules for them is not to bind them. Rather, we do it so that children understand that while they are free, they also need to know what they can and can't do. In this way, they will be able to grow up with a better sense of proportion, enjoying freedom without crossing the line.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

This requires us parents to communicate more with their children, give them more examples, and tell them what is good behavior and what is not. Of course, we parents ourselves have to be good role models, so as not to let our children think that we are just saying one thing and doing another.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

Also, family education is not only about rules, but also about giving children enough love. Rules are important, but if there is no love, then these rules are like cold iron bars, and they are not good for children. When making rules, we should also care more about our children and support them more. In this way, children can feel the warmth and acceptance of home while abiding by the rules.

The educational revelation behind the crying

Speaking of the little girl in the video, she was crying so much, probably just trying to express her needs. In fact, children's crying is not only a superficial phenomenon, there are deeper problems behind this. Parents have to keep an eye on their children, and when raising their children, they have to teach them to be independent and autonomous, and don't let them rely on us all the time.

Can't hold it back! I feel like my mom's collapse is about to overflow the screen! I want to slap her twice across the screen

Children must learn to deal with problems on their own, so that they can grow up to be productive. We should encourage them to think more about their own problems and try to solve problems on their own. Also, you have to teach your child how to manage his emotions, don't cry when he encounters something, and learn to deal with it calmly.

Conclusion: The road to education has a long way to go

Raising a child is really not that simple. Raising children is not just about teaching them to read and count and learn some crafts. More importantly, we have to shape their character and help them establish the right values.

As parents, when educating children, we have to use our brains to think about how to teach the best, and at the same time, we must reflect more on our own education methods to see if it is really beneficial to children. After all, we all want our children to be healthy, independent, and responsible.

Every family and every child is unique. This means that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education. This requires us parents to spend more time and try different education methods according to the characteristics of their children. Although the road of education is very long and the task is very heavy, as long as we are willing to explore with our hearts, I believe that we can always find the most suitable education method for our children.

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