
The woman looked through her phone late at night and accidentally discovered the big secret of her 13-year-old daughter! Frightened, I quickly called the police

author:Yan Wuji

Internet trap: A 13-year-old girl was cheated of 60,000 yuan overnight, who is to blame?

The Internet is such a magical and dangerous place. Nowadays, children like to chase stars and chat online, but the risk here is greater. Let's just talk about it recently, there is a 13-year-old girl named Zheng Xue, who joined a celebrity fan group, thinking that she can share the news and photos of her idol with other fans.

But who knows, a person claiming to be a "police officer" suddenly appeared in the group, saying that the privacy of the celebrity she likes has been leaked, and she wants everyone to cooperate with the investigation. When the little girl heard this, she was anxious, thinking that she couldn't let the idol be hurt, so she obediently did what the "police officer" said. As a result, in just one hour, more than 60,000 yuan in her mother's bank card was gone! This thing is really sweating, and the children have to have a snack!

The woman looked through her phone late at night and accidentally discovered the big secret of her 13-year-old daughter! Frightened, I quickly called the police

The shadow behind the fan culture

Fan culture is popular now, and many young people like to chase stars, hit lists, and join various fan groups. But there are a lot of safety hazards here. Some bad guys just stare at these fans, taking advantage of their fanaticism for idols and fear of public power to cheat them out of money and personal information. These bad guys will pretend to be police officers, lawyers, or whatever, and find all kinds of reasons to get fans to give them money or tell them their personal information.

is like that little girl Zheng Xue, she was deceived because she liked her idol too much, and the fake "police officer" scared her. This tells us that parents and schools need to teach their children how to stay safe online and be vigilant. At the same time, those online platforms also have to be regulated, and these scams should be detected and cracked down on as soon as possible. In this way, everyone can chase stars more safely!

The woman looked through her phone late at night and accidentally discovered the big secret of her 13-year-old daughter! Frightened, I quickly called the police

Internet fraud is frequent, and teenagers are the main victims

Nowadays, there are more and more online scams, especially for young people. Because young people are not experienced enough and their judgment is not mature enough, they are often targeted by scammers. In addition to the case of Zheng Xue we mentioned earlier, in fact, there are many similar cases of being deceived all over the country. These scammers often take advantage of young people's curiosity and love to chase stars to deceive them.

The data tells us that there are more and more young people who are now victims of online fraud. This is not only because young people themselves may not be so careful, but also because the online environment is becoming more and more difficult to understand, and the methods of scammers are constantly being renovated, which is really difficult to prevent. Therefore, we need to start from many aspects, such as strengthening the cyber security education of young people and improving their self-protection ability, so that they can travel more safely in the online world.

The woman looked through her phone late at night and accidentally discovered the big secret of her 13-year-old daughter! Frightened, I quickly called the police

Police remind: Be wary of non-mainstream social software

The police also reminded everyone: parents and teachers should pay attention, pay more attention to what their children are doing online, and see if they have some less common social software installed in their mobile phones. These software, many times the audit information is not strict, and the security guarantee is not good, and scammers like to use these software to deceive people.

The policeman Shu Huang also told the vast number of young friends that they must raise their awareness of self-protection. Don't share your personal information with others, and don't trust strangers too much. If you encounter fraud, call the police immediately, let the police investigate in time, and try to help everyone recover their losses.

A double-edged sword in the online world

The online world is indeed very powerful, and it has brought a lot of convenience and fun to our lives. But then again, the Internet is not flawless, it is like that kind of double-edged sword, although it is very cool to use, but the slightest negligence can hurt yourself. Especially for those teenagers who are still growing up, they are still learning how to judge good and bad things and how to protect themselves.

The woman looked through her phone late at night and accidentally discovered the big secret of her 13-year-old daughter! Frightened, I quickly called the police

Therefore, parents, teachers, and all walks of life must work hard to teach them how to surf the Internet safely and not let them fall into the trap of online fraud. To put it simply, it is to guide them to use the network correctly and enjoy the benefits of the network, while avoiding the dangers on the network.

Conclusion: Jointly build a cyber security environment

Now that the network is so developed, each of us must have a sense of network security and learn to protect ourselves. At the same time, parents, schools and all sectors of society must also work together to create a safe and healthy Internet environment for young people, so that they can surf the Internet with peace of mind. In this way, we can enjoy the benefits of the Internet in a down-to-earth manner and do not have to worry about being deceived, so let's work together to build a safe and harmonious online world!

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