
Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

author:Tsunami at 7:20

There is a kind of person in this world, also known as "Teacher", although they can't teach you anything, but they can make you "head to the Tao", they are the barbers we used to know, and now they have become "Tony Teacher".

It is no exaggeration to say that barbers are indeed a group of people who rely on technology to eat, and their industry is difficult to be replaced by intelligent robots at present, so it seems that it is not too much to be called "teachers".

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

However, it is such a job that cannot be replaced by intelligent robots, and its survival situation has also undergone a serious crisis, and countless "Tony teachers" are facing the risk of being laid off and unemployed.

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

The store outside my community, the geographical location is excellent, connecting four or five nearby communities, there used to be seven or eight barber shops, but more than a year later, only one is left in the struggling there, the owner and "Tony teacher" plays with his mobile phone all day long, it is said that because he always bows his head, cervical spondylosis has been committed several times.

The most difficult industry to be replaced, and at the same time, haircuts are also a rigid need of people, why is it so difficult to survive now? Through the comments of netizens, we may be able to find the answer.

Let's take a look at an article written by a netizen, he said that now he doesn't dare to go to a well-decorated barber shop because he is either the manager or the director inside, and finally mustered up the courage to enter the store, and the first sentence of people is "Have you made an appointment?" "But what I saw was that there weren't two customers in the store!

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

Once you enter the store, you get past the first wave of embarrassment, and the second wave will follow.

You say that you don't have an appointment, but just want to come in and get a haircut, and then they will ask you: What level of teacher do you want us to give you a haircut?

You didn't dare to choose the director with a confused face, because in your eyes, the director must be a great official, you choose the store manager, but when you look at the price list, you are not calm.

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

Helplessly, the pit has been stepped in, and you sit in the small room of less than fifty square meters, waiting for the store manager to personally serve you, only to find that the people in this room are all wearing headsets, and a feminine male voice behind you shouts to the headset: Tom, you are a guest! Then you hear "Mr. Tony" next to you reply, "Roger!" (You horses, less than a meter and a half apart, can direct conversation tire you to death?) )

I thought I would be able to stop during the haircut, but as soon as I cut the scissors, Mr. Tom and the store manager began to encourage his three-inch tongue and promote various annual cards and membership cards.

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

After some operation, I will ask you, do you dare to come to such a store next time?

Seeing this, netizens said, I just came in to shave my head, not to kill my head, why is it so expensive?

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

It's true! To be honest, even in our local area, when I go out for a haircut, as long as the store is slightly decorated, I will not choose to go in. One is that there are all "teachers" inside, and they are not very old, which makes me feel embarrassed. And the most important thing is the price, I am just an ordinary person, just a haircut, and the price of a haircut is often dozens or hundreds, which is indeed not something that people like me can afford.

And those members and VIPs who recharge 3,000 get 300 and 5,000 get 500 free are even more unthinkable.

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

Perhaps, people like me will only feel more at ease if they deserve to go to such a barbershop.

Before the Spring Festival the year before last, a relative of my daughter-in-law's family came back from other places and had not seen each other for many years. At that time, it was close to the Spring Festival, how to get a haircut, my daughter-in-law said that this time we will also open up, go to the newly decorated barber shop on the street for a haircut, my mother's family is back, let's also dress ourselves up, don't be ashamed when the time comes.

In the end, it cost 198 yuan, and the hair cut was no better than ten or fifteen yuan on the side of the road.

Why are barbershops that can't be hit by e-commerce now complaining? Netizen: There are too many teachers in it

These are the words of a barber who has been in the barbering industry for many years. As a barber, he said, I hate being called a teacher, I hate giving myself an English name, and I hate wearing pointy shoes to sell to customers.

Working more than ten hours a day and taking one day off a week (some barbers don't have any rest at all), they are all people at the bottom of society, but they have to be ridiculed by another group of people at the bottom, which is the biggest irony in itself.

In fact, everyone is not ridiculing the barber industry, but mocking this phenomenon. A barber shop, engaged in decoration, the barber gives an English name at will, and then it feels like it has become tall, obviously very ordinary haircuts, but they have to make them a luxury that ordinary people can't afford, so if it goes on, even without the impact of the Internet, how long can it last?

I don't know if you usually choose a barber or "Mr. Tony" when you get a haircut?

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