
Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

In this era of rapid medical technology, medical errors still lurk around us like ghosts.

When such a mistake happened again to a 17-year-old sports student who was in the prime of his youth and full of dreams, the shock and distress brought by it were far beyond imagination. This is not only a shocking mistake on the operating table, but also a merciless blow to the future of a young life.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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On May 15, media reported that a 17-year-old boy had undergone surgery to remove an osteoma from his left knee, and the hospital mistakenly cut his right knee. The incident occurred at the end of March this year, in Baise, Guangxi, a sports student specializing in track and field went to the Baidong Campus of the Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities for medical treatment due to an osteoma in his left knee.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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This was supposed to be an opportunity to relieve the pain and return to the runway, but because of an incredible medical accident, it became a double disaster for both families and individuals. Inside the operating room door, what should have been an unerring medical operation was unmistakably oversighted, causing the doctor to mistakenly swing the scalpel at the healthy right knee instead of the left knee, where the lesion is located. Before the operation was over, the doctor walked out of the operating room, faced the anxiously waiting family, and had to admit: "I did something wrong, I cut my right knee." ”

This news was like a bolt from the blue, not only shattering the hopes of patients and their families, but also causing an uproar in the community.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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The surgical records clearly show that the preoperative examination and diagnosis clearly indicate that the lesion is located in the left knee, why is this basic fact ignored when it comes to the operating table?

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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For a sports student whose dream is to run, the importance of knees is self-evident, and now, a simple "left and right" makes his future full of uncertainty.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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In the face of public opinion doubts and anger, the hospital involved quickly responded, admitting that the incident was caused by the hospital's management problems, and expressed its willingness to negotiate compensation. The Baise Municipal Health Commission also quickly intervened and launched an investigation process in an effort to give the public an explanation. However, although compensation and apology are necessary, it is difficult to fully compensate for the physical and psychological trauma suffered by the young sports student, let alone eliminate the medical safety management loopholes exposed behind the incident.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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This incident makes people ponder, why is medical safety so far? In a highly specialized healthcare environment, why do such "low-level mistakes" keep repeating themselves? Although this kind of mistake is like a speck of dust in the desert, the probability of such a mistake is slim, but once it falls on the shoulders of an individual, it suddenly becomes a mountain and becomes an unbearable weight in life.

Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

The sense of responsibility of medical staff, the pre-operative verification process, and even the overall management mechanism of the hospital are all worthy of re-examination and strengthening.

After all, medical care is about life, and there is no room for negligence.

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Off the charts! A 17-year-old student had an osteoma removed from his left knee, but the doctor operated on his right knee

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