
Funny and funny, specializing in all kinds of unhappiness

author:Blue Dream Entertainment
Funny and funny, specializing in all kinds of unhappiness


I wish to win the heart of one person, so as not to go on a blind date.


Go to bed early and wake up early to be in good health, go to bed late and wake up late in a good mood.


Take care of your words many years ago, I haven't lost weight to this day.


If money is a mistake, then I'd rather be wrong again and again.


In addition to teeth, there is also love.


I don't have any way of being a man, I just know how to report and report.


I'm not a Mona Lisa, so why smile at everyone?


Going to work not only did not improve my income, but also reduced my quality.


What bad intentions can I have, it's just that I want to get rich for nothing.


"Do you really want to lose weight after eating so much every day?"


Funny and funny, specializing in all kinds of unhappiness


You're a cup when I hold you, and you're a glass slag when I let go.


Needless to say, you don't deserve to be like this, and we're not phones and chargers.


If there's something I don't like about you, please get over it yourself.


A: "Is there anything you don't eat?" ”

B: "I don't eat anything but food." ”


When you meet your beloved prince, you must confess, it doesn't matter if you don't have crystal slippers, what if he likes flip-flops......


Current state: People who are more talented than me work harder than me, and people who are thinner than me have no appetite than me......


You ask me how 520 is doing? I have skimmed, missed, borrowed, sad, loved, I have thought about it behind closed doors, I have passed, I have laughed, I have passed by, I have not remembered the villain, and I have sailed by the side of the sunken boat......


Son: "Dad, I want to be a rich second generation." ”

Dad: "This is easy to do, when you grow up and give me all the money you earn, you will be the second generation of rich." ”



My friend went to a company to apply for a job, but unfortunately he was not hired, just when he got up to leave, he saw a piece of paper on the ground, he picked it up and threw it into the trash, it happened that this scene was seen by the company's CEO, and the next day he successfully became the company's cleaner............


Wife: "Honey, am I beautiful?" Am I pretty? Am I sexy? ”

Husband: "Wife, you see the lightning and thunder outside, can I answer your question at another time?" ”

Old woman:......

Funny and funny, specializing in all kinds of unhappiness