
The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

author:Zhu Zhu loves to think

1. Starting from Zhao Lixin's current downtrod situation, it leads to his glorious past

Once upon a time, Zhao Lixin was one of the hottest stars in the entire entertainment industry. Whether it is superb acting skills or amazing voice imitation talent, he has won unanimous praise from industry insiders. The audience called him crazy, and film and television directors also wanted to cooperate with him.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

But just when his career reached the peak of his life, a sudden storm of "insulting remarks" completely ruined Zhao Lixin's future. The fire of public opinion quickly burned across the country, and the angry denunciations of netizens can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Lixin's company had to immediately stop all of his work arrangements and demand that he immediately apologize to the public for the incident.

Although Zhao Lixin issued a public apology statement for the first time, the anger of public opinion has never been calmed. More and more people have joined the ranks of condemnation and boycott, calling for a permanent "spurning" of Zhao Lixin.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

In the end, all his endorsements and work projects were completely canceled, and his social media accounts were completely blocked.

In this way, this once high-profile top artist, like a once shining star, fell from the stage of the entertainment industry in embarrassment under the heavy blow of "insulting China".

Zhao Lixin, now 55 years old, lives a rather low-key, almost isolated life. He stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, making ends meet with his meager savings and the occasional small acting job.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

As a big-name star who used to be infinitely beautiful, Zhao Lixin's current situation is really suffocating. From the top to the bottom, his life experience can be called a lesson.

2. Tracing back Zhao Lixin's participation in the voice imitation show became an instant hit and became a high-profile superstar

Back in 2018, Zhao Lixin was on the rise in his career at that time. He participated in a popular variety show "Sound Immersion", which specially invited artists from all walks of life to show their talent and strength in voice imitation.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

As an old actor, Zhao Lixin can be said to have done his best in the show. He restored the voice of almost every imitated star, and portrayed all his tone, demeanor and expression vividly, which amazed the audience and judges.

Mr. Zhao has shown an extraordinary ability to control the voice, and his voice can freely switch between different vocal ranges and timbres, making every imitated object come to life.

He even imitated some foreign language fragments, and pronounced the unfamiliar English and Russian as pure and fluent as his mother tongue, which was amazing.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

As soon as the program was broadcast, it immediately set off a huge repercussion across the country. Zhao Lixin became a household name overnight, and his honest face appeared on the front pages of major media.

The audience called frantically for his performance, and left messages praising his "belly".

"Zhao Lixin's parody show" has become a popular new word on the Internet, and videos of him imitating other artists can be seen everywhere on social media. , a 55-year-old veteran actor, instantly became a new idol in the hearts of young people.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Since then, Zhao Lixin has opened a golden age of life. He has performed a number of wonderful works one after another, which shine on the screen. Major variety shows also invited him to come to the scene in person to show his unique imitation show skills.

At that time, Zhao Lixin was brilliant and became an idol in the minds of countless film and television fans and audiences.

3. After graduating from Beiying, Zhao Lixin worked in a small troupe until he got a major turnaround

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

However, before Zhao Lixin achieved today's glory, he experienced a long and arduous struggle.

In 1986, with full enthusiasm for the acting career, Zhao Lixin was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and began professional training as he wished. During his time at the school, he diligently studied the theory and practice of acting, and diligently consulted and learned from those senior teachers.

Zhao Lixin's tireless spirit made his teachers praise him and regarded him as one of the most promising students.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

After graduation, Zhao Lixin threw himself into the tide of the drama world with excitement. However, as a fledgling, he could only get a modest position in a small repertory troupe.

The troupe's environment was outdated and short of funds, and Zhao Lixin often had to apply makeup and rehearse in a humble backstage environment. Sometimes I can't even eat, so I can only nibble on a few bites of dry bread and continue rehearsing.

Despite this, Zhao Lixin has never been disheartened by his dreams. He kept in mind the teachings of his parents, and treated every role and every performance with dedication and meticulousness.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

In the troupe, he is often the last person to leave, repeatedly polishing his every movement and expression, and trying to interpret every role vividly.

In addition to the difficult living environment, Zhao Lixin must constantly study and improve his voice control skills. He would repeatedly copy the lines of other actors, mimicking various voices, in the hope of mastering more advanced vocal methods.

Sometimes, in the dead of night, a person will read aloud in front of a mirror, just to exercise his voice.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Despite his limited stage experience, Zhao Lixin's passion for acting is burning. He always tries his best to perform every role to the extreme, which has won the applause and praise of the audience.

Fourth, Zhao Lixin was born in a military family, how his parents discovered and supported his artistic talent

Zhao Lixin's achievements today are largely due to his special family environment. He was born into a military family, his father Zhao Dayong was a senior military officer, and his mother Li Lihua also served in the army for many years.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Under the strict requirements of his parents, Zhao Lixin received an almost militarized education since he was a child. They demanded that their son be fully committed to whatever he did, with perseverance and determination.

At the same time, the couple never hesitated to praise, as long as Zhao Lixin showed extraordinary talent in some aspects, they would definitely encourage and support him.

Perhaps influenced by his family's profession, Zhao Lixin developed a strong interest in performing arts at a young age. Whenever he has free time, he likes to imitate various characters at home, making exaggerated movements and expressions.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Sometimes they will pull their family members as "spectators" and ask them to enjoy their "performances".

At first, parents just saw it as a regular game for their children. But as time went on, they gradually discovered that Zhao Lixin seemed to have an innate talent for acting.

He is a very fast learner and has an excellent ability to imitate, often learning the movements and demeanors of a certain TV character or celebrity vividly, which is amazing.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Knowing the importance of art to their child's development, smart parents encourage him to pursue his interests and dreams. They hired a lot of private teachers for Zhao Lixin, and spared no effort to cultivate children's artistic cells.

At the same time, he also strongly supports his future career.

The support of his parents undoubtedly gave Zhao Lixin the greatest motivation to pursue his dreams. It was under the care and affirmation of his parents that Zhao Lixin's desire for a career in performance became stronger and stronger, and finally embarked on the road of art step by step and started a new journey in life.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Fifth, when Zhao Lixin's career reached the top, the incident of "insulting remarks" suddenly broke out, triggering a frenzy of public opinion

Just when Zhao Lixin's career reached the highest peak of his life, a sudden episode completely changed the trajectory of his fate.

In March 2019, in a public interview, Zhao Lixin accidentally said some "insulting China" remarks. He made some extremely inappropriate criticisms and questions about certain traditional Chinese cultural practices, which caused an uproar at the time.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

As soon as this remark spread, it immediately set off a storm of public condemnation on the Internet. Countless netizens have left messages condemning Zhao Lixin's ignorance and offense, demanding that he publicly apologize and accept punishment.

In the face of such strong public pressure, Zhao Lixin's brokerage company responded quickly. They announced the immediate termination of all of Zhao Lixin's existing work arrangements, and demanded that he sincerely apologize to the national audience for the incident.

Zhao Lixin also issued a public statement at the first time, apologizing for his gaffe. But even so, the frenzy of public opinion is still difficult to quell. More and more people have joined the ranks of condemnation and boycott, calling for the complete banning and spitting of this "insulting Chinese artist".

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

For a time, Zhao Lixin suffered an unprecedented public opinion crit.

This storm of public opinion was like a storm, and the popular star Zhao Lixin was completely knocked out in an instant, and he fell hard from the peak. In just a few weeks, he has gone from being a high-profile idol star to a spurned "street rat".

Sixth, Zhao Lixin's tragic lesson from the peak to the bottom triggered a reflection on life

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Looking back on Zhao Lixin's ups and downs in his life, it is not difficult for us to find that the fatal reason why he fell from the peak to the bottom was that unconcerned "insulting China" remarks.

The words and deeds of a star will be followed and imitated by countless loyal fans. As a top performing artist in China, Zhao Lixin should always be pious, prudent in his words and deeds, and be a positive and positive example.

However, I don't know whether it was because of too much pride and conceit, or because of deep-rooted colored glasses, Zhao Lixin made ignorant and inappropriate comments on traditional Chinese culture and values in that interview, which was undoubtedly a public provocation and harm to the majority of Chinese people and mainstream values at that time.

The old drama bones in front of people, reversing black and white behind people, and digging into Zhao Lixin's absurd history is more complicated than you think

Zhao Lixin's tragic lesson warns us that no matter what position we hold, we must never indulge our arrogant personal desires to harm the fundamental interests and dignity of the state and the people.

We should all strive to achieve self-realization with pious and humble hearts, while respecting mainstream values and maintaining a high degree of consistency with the interests of the people of the motherland.

Only in this way can we always keep our hearts when we have a successful career, avoid repeating Zhao Lixin's mistakes, and make steady progress on the road of life. I hope that Zhao Lixin's experience can be used as a reference, learn humbly for the rest of his life, and re-pursue the sublimation of his personal spirit.

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