
Grow shorter and live longer? You'll know after reading it!

author:Idle elves

On this day, his old friend Lao Zhang said to him mysteriously: "Lao Li, have you heard of it? After the age of 65, a person's lifespan may be closely related to an ability. ”

Li Bo asked curiously, "What ability is so amazing?" ”

Lao Zhang smiled and pointed to his head: "That's it—cognitive ability."

Many people think that good health is enough. In fact, the strength of our cognitive abilities has a crucial impact on our longevity and quality of life. ”

Hearing this, Li Bo became even more curious: "What about my cognitive ability?" Is there any way to test yourself? ”

Lao Zhang nodded: "Of course, I will give you a few simple methods later, you can test it yourself." ”

American Study: The Taller Men Grow, the Shorter They Live?

Grow shorter and live longer? You'll know after reading it!

A team of researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the United States found that taller men may face a higher risk of colorectal cancer.

They analysed large amounts of data and found that for every 10 centimeters of height, the risk of colorectal cancer increased by 14 percent. This finding is surprising because we generally think that taller people are healthier.

At the same time, another study from the University of Hawaii also noted that short men may live longer.

The study, which involved thousands of Japanese-American men, found that people under 1.57 meters tall lived the longest. It may seem contrary to common sense, but scientific data doesn't lie.

However, these studies have not yet reached conclusions. The relationship between height and longevity is actually affected by many factors, such as living environment, eating habits, genetic factors, etc.

What's more, we can't judge a person's health and longevity just by their height.

Short stature means longer life? Being short may have 3 major health advantages

Grow shorter and live longer? You'll know after reading it!

While the relationship between height and longevity needs further research, it is interesting to note that new research from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal suggests that people who are short may live longer.

The reasons for this may be related to body structure, physiological functions, and lifestyle.

Researchers have found that people with short stature may have a lower metabolic rate due to their smaller size, which reduces their need for food and oxygen.

In addition, they have identified specific genetic mutations associated with longevity that may contribute to aging and disease resistance.

Of course, we can't necessarily assume that short people live longer than tall people. Because apart from height, there are many other factors that affect our longevity and health. For example, our cognitive abilities.

Do you have the right height? These physical indicators also need attention

As an important indicator of human growth and development, height not only reflects a person's growth and development level, but is also closely related to physical health.

According to the data of the Fifth National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin, we can understand the reference standards for height at different ages.

Meeting or approaching these standards usually means that an individual's growth and development is at a normal level.

However, we can't just focus on height. Weight and other physical indicators, such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, etc., are also important bases for evaluating a person's health.

For example, being underweight can mean malnutrition, while being overweight can lead to a range of health risks such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In order to assess the physical condition more comprehensively, we can use the BMI (Body Mass Index) tool.

BMI is calculated by dividing weight (kg) by height (m) squared and can roughly reflect how obese a person is, thus providing us with an easy and quick way to assess health.

Grow shorter and live longer? You'll know after reading it!

If you want to live a long life, you must develop 4 healthy habits

The pursuit of healthy longevity is everyone's desire, and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is the cornerstone of achieving this desire.

Here are four habits that, if adhered to over time, will have a positive impact on our health and longevity.

01. Drink plenty of water

Water is the source of life, and maintaining adequate hydration is essential for maintaining normal bodily functions. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to avoid too many sugary drinks.

02. Exercise regularly

Regular aerobic exercise and strength training not only improve cardiorespiratory fitness, but also build muscle strength and endurance.

At least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, running, or swimming, is an effective way to stay healthy.

03. Eat small, frequent meals

Maintaining a sensible diet is essential for good health. Eating small, frequent meals can help maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to eat 5-6 meals a day, each meal should be controlled within a certain caloric range, and ensure adequate intake of protein, fiber and vitamins.

04. Bask in the sun

Moderate sun exposure helps the body synthesize vitamin D, which is essential for bone health.

Spending 20-30 minutes in the sun before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. each day is a great way to get your natural vitamin D. But be careful to avoid strong sun exposure at noon to avoid sunburn.

By paying attention to and improving these habits, we can take a big step towards our goal of living a long and healthy life.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle doesn't just mean longevity, it's also about improving our quality of life.

Grow shorter and live longer? You'll know after reading it!