
"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

author:Magic Willow Cu


Wang Churan's appearance and acting skills are in dispute

In the hit broadcast of the TV series "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Wang Churan's role has become the focus of heated discussions. Her appearance is undoubtedly a topic that the audience is talking about, but at the same time, her acting skills and lines have been criticized a lot. Netizens launched a heated discussion on social media, some bluntly pointed out that her acting skills were "embarrassing", her lines were "dragging her feet", and some even joked that she would feel "quite interesting" when she saw Wang Churan's rolling of her eyes or smirk.


A netizen humorously commented: "Wang Churan's beauty is like that rare delicacy, but the acting skills are like a grain of sand accidentally falling into that dish, although it does not affect the overall deliciousness, it always makes people a little uncomfortable." Such comments resonated with many netizens, and some said: "Appearance is justice, but acting skills are also king!" ”


The truth behind the acting hot discussion

Although Wang Churan's performance in the play has received some negative reviews, some viewers believe that her acting skills are not as bad as stated on the hot search. An audience member said: "As an audience who has watched five episodes of dramas seriously, although Wang Churan's acting skills have not reached the peak, they are not as embarrassing as the hot search says." ”

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

Another netizen put forward a different opinion: "Acting is a matter of opinion. Wang Churan's performance in the play, although it is not outstanding, will not become a failure in the play. Such a point of view has aroused heated discussions in the comment area, with some supporting and some refuting, and the comment area has become a battlefield for the collision of views.

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

Which is more important, appearance or acting skills?

Wang Churan's appearance has a high degree of recognition among the audience, and her ancient costume is praised as "classical temperament". However, the aura of appearance did not hide the controversy of acting. Some netizens joked: "Wang Churan's beauty is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand, it is impossible to ignore, and on the other hand, it also makes her acting skills more dazzling." ”

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

A netizen who claimed to be a fan of Wang Churan left a message: "Appearance is innate, and acting skills can be honed the day after tomorrow." We like Wang Churan, not only because of her appearance, but also because we hope she can make a breakthrough in her acting skills. Such a voice resonated among fans and sparked more discussions about which is more important, appearance or acting.

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

The acting is hotly discussed, is it hype or real?

As the controversy over Wang Churan's acting skills continues to heat up, there are also voices questioning whether this is a well-planned hype. Some netizens pointed out: "How can a cameo character have so many negative hot searches?" Is there some secret behind this? ”

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

Another netizen had a different opinion: "Heated discussions on acting skills are the norm in the entertainment industry. Wang Churan's acting skills were discussed, which was also a kind of attention to her. As for whether it is hype, we, as the audience, should pay more attention to the work itself. Such a view sparked a new round of controversy in the comment area, with some people believing that this is the norm in the entertainment industry, while others believe that it is unfair treatment of actors.

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

Acting is hotly discussed, which is both a challenge and an opportunity

Wang Churan's acting skills are hotly discussed, which undoubtedly adds a lot of topics to "Celebrating More Than Years 2". The contest between appearance and acting skills has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. In this era of looking at faces, appearance is important, but acting skills are the foundation of an actor's foothold. For Wang Churan, this heated discussion is not only a challenge to her acting skills, but also an opportunity for her to improve herself.

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

On social media, netizens expressed their opinions and discussed endlessly. Some people support Wang Churan, thinking that there is room for improvement in her appearance and acting skills; There are also people who are critical and believe that actors should focus on acting. In any case, this heated discussion has made Wang Churan the focus of public attention, and it has also greatly increased the topic of "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

"Appearance PK acting: netizens are crazy about Wang Churan's eye rolling drama!"

In the future, let's wait and see whether Wang Churan can make a breakthrough in acting.

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