
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

author:Entertainment Circle


Ma Sichun's "meaty" daily

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

In other words, Ma Sichun, the actress, is on the edge of comfort and deliciousness, and every time she comes home from work, she becomes a food explorer. Oh, and she has a round body in the video, which can't help but remind people of the old saying: "You don't understand the world of foodies." She complained in front of the camera that she was tempted by the food these days to go up with a light weight. Netizens, don't always stare at the weight of the actors, they also need to enjoy the joy of life. The comment area immediately blew up, and someone said: "It's good for the girl to eat happily, how can she have time to worry about what calories!" Someone else ridiculed: "Chongqing's snacks are not covered, Ma Sichun is planted in the hands of food." ”

The weight battle of female stars

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

On the other hand, some people don't buy it, female stars have to be thin, this is an iron law, otherwise what else will play the heroine? There is no shortage of joking voices in the comments: "In this industry, thinness is the last word, and fat people have no spring." Of course, these remarks also attracted opposing voices, and netizens jumped out and scolded: "Actors have to be thin? Acting is king! If you have the ability, you can play one! "As the comments grew, so did the debate. Some people even secretly pulled out the examples of other actors, trying to prove that "fat can be popular", but this wave of operations does not seem to be recognized by most people.

You can still smile when you're sick

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

Let's take a look at Ma Sichun again, in fact, her roundness is not all due to food, she actually had a little illness before, which led to weight gain. This actress is really bent and stretched, in the face of illness, she did not have a sad face like others, but was optimistic and smiled every day of life. Netizens in the comment area showed a warm side this time: "People are so optimistic when they are sick, are you still here to care about her fat and thin?" "The pressure in the entertainment industry is so great, it's not easy to maintain such a mentality." These positive comments are like a spring breeze, blowing away some of the previous controversies.

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

A double chorus of spit and support

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

However, Ma Sichun's weight topic is like a stone smashed on the surface of the lake, stirring up ripples after circles. Some netizens resonated with her attitude and thought her views were very pertinent. "She's right, who says that actors have to be thin?" "Ma Sichun, you are you, don't be defined." These voices of support are heartwarming. But at the same time, there are also endless complaints, and they still insist on their own opinions: "Celebrities are public figures, how can image not be important?" "It's really unreasonable to use illness as an excuse." The two voices are intertwined in the sea of the Internet into a chorus with an unpredictable ending.

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

The collision of individuality and norms

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

Ma Sichun's "fat and thin dispute" seems to be a trivial matter, but it actually reflects a big problem in the entertainment industry: the collision between the personality of stars and social norms. Some argue that everyone should have the freedom to choose their own lifestyle, even celebrities. But at the same time, some people believe that as public figures, celebrities have to assume corresponding social responsibilities, including maintaining their own image. There may not be a definitive answer to this debate, because everyone's values are different.

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

Be happy and healthy every day

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

In the final analysis, Ma Sichun's wave of "flesh turmoil" may be a miniature social phenomenon: the contradiction between people's pursuit of beauty and their yearning for happiness. On this topic, everyone has their own opinion, and the comment area has become a battlefield where world views collide. On the one hand, there is the camp of "happiness is the most important", thinking that as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what the world thinks; On the other side are the insistents of "image represents everything", believing that every inch of a star's skin is not private, but public. Ma Sichun's "fleshy" state has become the focus of this debate. In any case, we all hope that whether they are fleshy or skinny, they will be happy and healthy every day. After all, when it comes to how to live her own style, the actress has indeed inspired many people.

Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin
Ma Sichun: Don't always pay attention to fat and thin

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